Slugle Huggle
Rerim and his friend Tiran were walking into the local forest for their annual monthly walk, it was Tiran's birthday so they had decided to do it a bit early as to celebrate. They usually did the walk at the end of the month, so they had been excited...
An AbsolUtely Amazing Luxray Costume
Thomas checked his watch; he had been waiting for Markus for twenty minutes. His friend always seemed to be punctually late; he heard a knock on his front door. Thomas sighed and pulled his sleeve down, "Coming." He walked towards the door and pulled...
Wolfing out Scooby Doo style
The mystery van slowly drove up to the old mansion; its lights hit the front of the building and reflected off of the windows. The van slowed to a stop and its inhabitants slowly clambered out of the vehicle, four teenagers and a dog stepped out to...
The Demon's Amulet
Shaun watched as cars passed by his window, the college student was sitting on a bus with his fellow students on their way to a ancient cultures exhibit. "Shaun! Are you listening?" Shaun was shocked out of his stupor by his professor, "Alright now...
The Suitcase
Jesse heard a knock on his front door as he got out of the shower, he quickly pulled on a shirt and some shorts then ran to the door. As he yanked the door open to find who was knocking a bright purple flash blinded him, "Holy crap!" He jumped as the...
Corruption is Horror
Shaun was on his way to the haunted manor, he had heard the rumors from some passing trainers. According to the rumors people who went in with their Pokémon never came out again. Shaun was almost immediately skeptical, he was proud to be a journalist...
Toony Torture
Dane slumped back into his chair after a long and arduous day of work; his boss had decided that it was all his fault that some files had gone missing. He had spent the better part of his lunch break searching through the files on his bosses computer...
Back into the real world
Tiran opened his eyes and looked up at the white roof of his room, his ears twitched as he heard the sounds of machines running and people talking out in the hallway. He slowly slipped his legs over the side of his bed to look at the mirror that was...
The Costume Poké
Brixton was walking around town with some friends when they all saw an ad for a costume party being held at the local Pokémon center, "Dress as your favorite Pokémon." His friend Charg read off, "Sounds like fun, but the party is tonight where will we...
Slow as a Slowpoke
Johna had finally finished the finals for the Pokémon academy. Most kids had attended regular Pokémon schools, but recently Pokémon academies had been set up for older generations who were much more dedicated on becoming the best Pokémon trainers they...
The Krookodile Epidemic
Tiran had just managed to top off his new team of Pokémon. He went to the local Pokémon center to heal up and look over his team. As he was walking by some Pokémon he saw a Krookodile picking on some smaller Pokémon, "Hey you cut that out!" He pushed...
A new chapter of life
Tiran rushed around his house as he heard a knock on his front door, the men from the company had finally arrived. He had received the call just an hour before explaining to him that he had been selected for the experiment that had been announced on...