Change of Pace
Flicking his tail left and right in a huff, the fox padded through the streets. A look of irritation was clear on his face, his muzzle contorted into a scowl as the memories replayed in his head with abandon. He sighed, stopping in the middle of the...
Ba'al stood behind the sulking Strabimon, a scowl on his face. The mutt had been like this ever since he found him wandering around the Network Plains by a complete accident. The demon wolf digimon had been curled up into a ball in his own little...
Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 4
Hmm, what to do, what to do. Here he was, all holed up in his room with nothing to play around with and no one to talk to. It made him outright annoyed, but he liked the quiet. The reptile digimon coughed to clear his throat. Beside the digimon laid a...
The Most Dangerous Hunt (Story)
"_Digimon. Incredibly powerful monsters that desire the power of the heart, and will do anything for this power, even attacking those who hold this power. A fight that has been in the making concerning a new Hunter is about to begin..._" ...
Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 3
"Boss...Are you okay?" Butch said for what seemed like the tenth time. "Yes, I'm fine." The orange dragon stressed as he paced around the blade ridden scrap yard that was their battle field. The orange Child was pacing around the area, trying to...
Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 2
There were many times where you had to have faith in someone, even if you hated them to their core. A time where you had to depend on others, even if you didn't want it, or did you like it. Today is one of those days for two digimon who were...
Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 1
There came a time in every digimon's life where they had that one event that happened in their lives, whether they wanted it to occur or not. Such an event was crashing into the life of one such digimon, a simple monodramon who loved eating, but...
On certain days, Thunder never realized how much of an annoyance water was in his life until it started to actively hinder him. Most, if not all creatures needed water in some way or shape to survive alongside food and a healthy environment. If the...
(Carbon) Dating Lessons
Zeke thought of himself as someone who was easy to talk to and rather approachable. The looming tyrannosaurus, by nature of his size, bulging muscles and lack of wearing shirts usually got him a few looks here and there whenever he went out solo or...
Tale of a Grey Kobold
Tale of a Grey Kobold Deep in a dense forest, various monsters, thieves, creatures and the like skulked about constantly. Whether it was for their next meal, their next pawning or even for the sake of the hunt, places like these were generally deemed...
When Kaji mentioned "something that he needed to do" around Thunder, the eastern dragon always figured that he meant he was bored and wanted company. When the message appeared on his phone early in the morning, the dragon had been half asleep and...
Rexx and the Beanstalk
"Hold it...Almost there..." Thunder grunted. The feeling in his arms were beginning to go away, slow pricking numbness forming in his wrists and biceps. He'd been holding this sign in different positions for the last ten minutes while his new...