The Clockwork Falcon - part 1: the Guilty Gear Device
Cogs and bolts rained a curious glittering path behind the young canine as he ran, darting between astonished bystanders. "Move, move! Com'on I'm running late!" the young husky shouted, trying desperately to keep most of the spare parts in the box he...
The Royal Secret part 13: Patently Awkward
A Monarch sometimes retains the particular benefit of being able to inspire absolute terror through relatively innocuous gestures. More specifically, he is able to do so if he is looking at an especially timid young man who is hoping to stay in the...
The Royal Secret part 12: The Promise of Power
"GET OUT!" Duke William screeched as the tailor stuck him with _another_ pin, "You doddering idiot! I _told_ you to be careful! I have enough people trying to whittle me away with their little pinpricks without my TAILOR joining them! OUT!" The...