Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 14
The message had been simple a text sent via the Undervilde-built temporal ansible and the resulting enquiring of deep range scans from a Thymion ship on picket duty saw the battlecruiser coasting in the distance. There was no mistaking it; it was the...
Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans [Pre-Apocalypse]
**Base Omega, Northern Front Line: Conningstone County** How they did it, he didn't know. Why they were doing it, he also didn't know. What their ultimate goal was, he wasn't sure of either. He was, however, quite certain that they were...
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 5
The wardroom was massive, a vaulted construct of white inlaid with gold and outfitted to accommodate the immense size of Fleet Lord Sharna, who sat at the head of the bronze table, her flowing robes wrapped neatly about her knees. She looked down the...
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 4
She lazily swatted at something glued to her chest, but then gave up when it was met with a sharp, pinprick sting. Her wings were hanging loose at her back and there was a mask clasped tightly around her muzzle, pumping oxygen into her lungs. Groggily,...
Shadow Stalkers: Oops...
The Cold Rooms aboard the _Marauder_ were located amidships in the lower decks. There were three of them and they were octagonal in shape, and wedged snugly between cargo hold-2 and cargo hold-3. They were nice and out-of-the-way of anything truly...