bio-dragon pt1

pt1 of 2 **Bio-Dragon** " My name is Dr. Samatha Johnson. I'm thirty-eight years old. Got two daughters. The oldest Carol is now seventeen and the other Marian is thirteen. My husband died four years ago in the accident that did this to me." I lifted...

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The House Panzer Built

The dragonkin enters the inn threw the back entrance and goes past the storage room before going threw the wine cellar to a door in the back and places a sack on the ground before digging under his shirt for a key that hung lose from his neck. He...

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Hunger of a Dragon

**Hunger of a dragon** Once there was a dragon. A dragon unlike any other before it. When it was an infant it was tamed by bandits. Bandits that fed the dragon for it's protection and the home of the bandits became a village. A village blessed with...


The dragon and the squirel

The dragon and the squirrel One day like any other nice weather day on a tree was a squirrel. An ordinary one at that. Lived in the same one as it's mother and it's mother and it's mother. As many generations as nuts have fell from from the tree. But...


Fire crystal rose

Kora was unfortunate in his birth. Wingless and without a body of a warrior or smith. He was weak and his place was with the women that clean the loincloths of all others. He knew his place and did not complain nor fight it. He knew it was not in his...

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extinction log

61230.122.45.20 Entry log number three. After my initial report and entry and the examination of the subject it was decided sense it was my blunder to allow it on my transport that I will care for it. The reason for this is during the examination...

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my life in a tbhrpg

Chapter six: festival Diana got use to her grandfathers job rather quickly. It was not exactly demanding she realized. Most clients were locals. Coming to him for replacement power cores at a reduced cost to the item shop or just coming by to talk...

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exadmini part 1

User name: Devil\_raider ViP days left: 29 days and 20 hours RCC: 535 Last activity: currently on Gold: 16,156 Level: 14 Health: 256/234 Mana: 58/58 Forums-General discussion-mob not in bestiary Posted 18:34 ast today- Devil\_raider You encountered...


my life in a tbhrpg ch4

Chapter four: Bed and breakfast After agreeing to stay Diana went inside with James and Howard followed them. Kira had just set the plates and stew on the dining table for the four of them. Diana paused seeing her and her grandfather pushed her...

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Am I a slave?

Am I a Slave? Young tigress woman runs threw the woods at full speed for her life. She wished her parents left her at least a blade of some kind to defend herself with. And now all she could do now was run. Run to avoid the tortures of the wood. The...

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The Dragon Named Angel book 1 part 4

The next day Angel informed the others he was now leaving to tell the other dragons. He traveled to each home of dragons he knew of that should be occupied. They were not. He then came to the home of the oldest. The one three centuries old. Old for...

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leave me alone ch1-2

Leave me alone. Chapter one- my name is... I sure do get a lot of visitors these days. I find it best to be polite when meeting new individuals. My name is Ruua. A dragon like you. A simple every day boring dragon. I go to sleep when I am tired and...

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