HIghschool Romance 3
King blinked waking up to a loud buzzing noise. He rubbed his eyes as he sighed. He noticed his phone was vibrating on his side table and he grabbed it. Flipping the phone open, the bright neon white screen blinked. Bold black letters across the...
Sibling Bond 6
Katie grunted as she fell to the ground from the tree. She winced as she held her leg, she panted in pain but kept quiet. She looked up to see kaze, hanging upside down still unconsious from the bioenhancers.She sighed as she moved to the base of the...
I sat here my sword drawn wondering how i got here my own brother consumed by the corruption. "hello shippo" he said in a tone both mocking and some how polite at the same time. he began to form a fire ball in his paw "long time no see dear sister!" he...