Serious Ceno

"Ugh, what a day," Nox states as he walks in and flops on the couch, sprawling and staring off at the wall opposite. "Ceno? Where are you?" "I'm playing Killing Floor, give me ten minutes," the other bat shouts. "I need you noooowww! Come...

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Morty’s First Christmas

"Welcome to your new home," I remember Mom saying as I looked up at her, confused as to how I should react to her words but mostly happy all the same. Every year leading up to that point I had been an orphan; I'd never known my parents, where I came...

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"I thought you said you'd be busy today," Kwandry states, walking into his apartment with Startide following closely behind. "Well I did," Startide responds, smiling a little and slinking over to the red panda before wrapping his arms around and...

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Undertow: Prologue -- Chapter 2 - Give me time

Chapter 2 -- Give me time --Naki-- I was actually a little surprised at how well Khole had gotten along with my parents after the first six days of being back. He made me feel bad sometimes; helping out around the house, offering to sweep and...

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Treading Chapter 3 - Introspection

**--Fen--** Practice was long. By the time I get home I feel like I could collapse at the front door. I trudge my way towards the dining room and hear my mom putting dishes away. She and dad had probably already eaten. "Fen? Here's your plate."...

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Treading Chapter 2 - Rumors

**--Fen--** "Naki Pelwisk? Really?" Sian looks up from the greasy-looking slice of pizza settled on his plate. "He offered to help you swim? Just like that?" The raccoon chuckles, shaking his head. "Lucky~, he's got a nice rear on'em I bet." ...

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Treading Chapter 1 - O.O

--Fen-- "Wake up Fen, you're gonna be late!" I groan, rubbing at my eyes and feeling a crumb or two of dried eye-gunk fall from the corners. I roll to the left and slide my hips out of the bed, letting my paws press against the cool floor while I...

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Chapter 15 - Growing Up

**--Naki--** In the past, whenever I felt I couldn't handle issues at home, I'd go to the pool. There was this public indoor pool my parents would let me go to before I had the one at high school. It's not always empty or quiet but noise doesn't...

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Treading Chapter 14 - The Fall

**--Fen--** When I was younger I was less aware of what I was compared to the other students in my class. I knew that my cloaker allowed me to grow and shrink but that didn't matter. I never took it off at school so, as far as I was concerned, I was...

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"Aren't finals finished? You should be out of school now, shouldn't you?" A voice comes up from the edge of my desk. I don't have to look to know it's Ray; a 3-inch tall, white-furred wolf Xori. I keep tapping at my keyboard, just responding to a few...

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Undertow: Prologue -- Chapter 6 - The End (of the beginning)

**--Naki--** The entire room quieted as Uncle Orville and Jerry walked down. I kept staring at them, almost daring Jerry to say anything. I just didn't have the patience for any of it; I wanted Fen to have as few negative memories about today as...

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