It was early in the morning, and the burrow walls were cold, so early that only the a barely distinguishable light coming through the cracks of the burrow entrance would reveal it was morning at all. The cold would ameliorated by the presence of a...
Alone in his burrow a grey rat stirred. He wasn't hungry and he was very much tired. But why wasn't he asleep? The rat found that. . . every time he shut his lids, two golden orbs stared stare right back.The eyes of a cat? Of a snake? The rat himself...
The Rat
The mouse came to a halt and turned her head upwards, giving a resentful glare to the sky as a fresh wave of rain came pouring down. Her staff was clutched in her paws, and a bag was over her shoulder. Her robes were folded up and placed in her bags...
The Project
The mouse paused as she wandered up the hill, and grimaced as she took a moment to lean back and stretch. Ugh! Carrying a rodent half again her size all the way to her nest had not been fun, and now her back ached. She'd had no chance to practice that...
The Fourth Virtue
The morning sky shone peacefully over a small clearing and nearby stream. Moving along cautiously through the undergrowth, a grey rat sniffed the air. He'd stand on his back legs, and focus. . . taking in all the sounds. . . all the smells. The sights....
In the darkness, a little white mouse woke from slumber, and opened her eyes. She felt a strikingly odd combination of feelings. On the one hand, her body ached. On the other hand, she felt safe, warm, and protected. She realized she was nestled...
The Vixen 4: The Day Ends
"I'm back." The feline's words would be the first sign the rabbit would have of her return. Her barefoot step was silent, and the door to her house well oiled, and the cat habitually did everything with a silent grace. It might almost seem she appeared...
The Vixen 3: The Bath
Fuzzy bundle held tight in her arms, the cat would walk and walk, seemingly never tiring. The sun moving across the sky. The forest would become thicker and denser. And still she walked, picking out a path in the wild. Without warning, the trees would...
The Vixen 2: The Exchange
Much as the vixen wanted to, she avoiding nuzzling the fuzzy bundle in her arms as they approached. It probably wouldn't be such a nice gesture from a lapine point of view, and besides she really ought to not be teasing herself with the taste (though...
The Vixen 1: Trapped
It was mid-afternoon and the sun hung brightly above the forest: Much to the delight of its residents, from the large to the small. One of the later, would be a brown rabbit named Jack, slowly emerging from his burrow. The lapine looked to be a little...