Aberration, Part 4 - Received
My back is quivering. My head is pounding. As I wake gradually, these are the only things I can focus on; any other sensory feedback is just garnish. Eventually, I start squirming from the pain, and then eventually I manage to stop; I'm not sure how...
Nobody's Servant, Part 14 - Living Situation
I'm sitting on one of the side balconies of the upper lounge. The recent happenings have understandably made the other passengers hesitant to go out in the open, which works just fine for me. I need the solitude. More specifically, someone I need to...
Nobody's Servant, Part 12 - Overnight Ride
"So what's his deal?" Nym looks up from his book, finding Yhana sitting upright; she is determined to pry this time. Nonetheless, he responds in an unengaged tone, "What deal?" "Your brother, I mean," she presses. "I thought he was about to...
Internal Audit
"Uplink established, we're good to go. Viv, can you hear us?" The speakers click quietly as they switch on, immediately followed by a soft, jovial voice. "Loud and clear, Bern! How was the trip down?" "Smoother than anticipated," Bern...