ShadowPaw and The Elemental Stones

-Prologue- A young black tom with Reddish orange ear tips and reddish orange tail tip smashed through the bracken, dashing blindly through the forest, his fear was overwhelming, controlling him. The forest blurred around him as he dodged rocks...

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Shadows on The ICE Chapter 4 & Chapter 5

**Chapter 4 - mysterious encounter** Feriyaki awoke to Ginatra getting to his paws and followed him out to get something to eat. They'd eaten and began to make their way towards the copse of trees once again before the sun had even come up....

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Shadows on The ICE Chapter2 & Chapter 3

**Chapter 2 - Lonely?** Ginatra awoke to something he missed, another warm body beside him, then the previous days events came back, I'm alone he realized, who's beside me? He glanced over his shoulder, that artic fox was bold, Ginatra thought. His...

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Shadows on The ICE Prologue & Chapter 1

**-Prologu**** e**- Ginatra opened his eyes, yawning, he stretched his jaws and clambered to his paws. Looking around Ginatra noticed his brother was still asleep, curled up beside his mom, her rounded ears twitched as she dreamed. The Arctic Ice...


Jade's trip to the fair 2

* * * **Chapter 2** * * * Jade was watching Poke'mon, when Archer walked in . "It's 3:00, Fair time," he said lifting Jade from the couch, and suddenly noticed Jade was wet "Wait the shows almost over." Jade protested. "Well guess its a good time...

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Jade's trip to the fair

Chapter 1 "Come on Jade time to get up!" Archer called into the dark room as he pushed open the door. He walked over to the window and threw open the curtains. "Nooo." a young voice whined from the crib against the wall. Archer turned, and...

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Jade's Story part 2

Chapter 2 Jade sat in a small office, walls tan, wooden flooring and white ceiling. His diaper crinkled as his tail swayed nervously, he was here for a reason and Jade didn't like that reason. He twiddled his paws nervously as a gazelle looked...

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Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 4

Chapter 6 Scarlet crouched in the undergrowth, Archer beside her, and Scourge soon to appear. "You know what to do right?" Scarlet asked Archer, his fox colored pelt barely visible in the shadows. "Yeah, distract the others while you drag...

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Jade's story

Prologue Jade sat on the couch the cartoons controlling his gaze, not many thoughts went through his mind as he watched the loony toons get up to the their normal shenanigans. "Honey, are you hungry?" A voice cut into his concentration. Jade...

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Space adventure and the Zombie-robot-aliens

Jade dashed down the corridor, the sound of pounding feet in pursuit. His space sit clinking together like the Stormtroopers on star wars, as he ran, he had a blaster clipped to his belt but he had no ammo. Jade turned a corner and almost ran straight...

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Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 3

Chapter 4 Scarlet leapt from boulder to boulder, all the time the rocks were shrinking. The trees getting closer, the snow sinking behind them, and the sun sinking in the distance, the very edge of a lake could be seen. Almost there, she thought...

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Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 2

Chapter 2 Scarlet awoke beneath the great oak they'd chosen to stop for the night at, the forest glittered with morning sun, the dew sparkled in the trees, it hadn't made its way to the forest floor yet. Archer lay curled up beside her. She scrambled...

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