Wasteland Survivor – A Voice From Heaven - ch5
Back again, please go easy on critique on this one, for the few hours it took to bash it out I was pretty high on prescription painkillers, if its too terrible will pull it down (once I am down) and fix it. New faces and couldn't resist putting in the...
Wasteland Survivor – There - ch7
Back again with more. Oh, for those wondering, "chook" is Aussie slang for chicken ;) Are people even reading these? Please comment on what you think of the story so far, theres currently two differant story lines that can lead off from the next few...
Wasteland Survivor – A road not travelled - ch6
Well, another installment, have the next few chapters worth of plot kind of organised, will see over the next few days if they change much. Please vote and comment, even if just to say "I read this", the more reaction I recieve the more incentive I...
Wasteland Survivor – And Back Again - ch8
This was going to be a shorter "getting ready for the fight", but then a new angle to the story leapt out and I couldn't NOT follow it, you will see anyway. And a huge thanks for over 1k story views. Will try and do the next one tomorrow as a reward...
Wasteland Survivor– In one piece - ch9
Ok, I hope you were not too disapointed by the shortness of Fox's description of the battle. This may salve that a little :) In regards to Fox and Drathnial, I really didn't have that planned, the bastards became battle brothers without asking my...
Wasteland Survivor – Aftermath - ch10
Ok Fox, you said if I kept the story going I could have a day of rest, pay up now please. As always, please leave feedback if you like, or even if you don't. Also if anyone sees that damn Fox tell her to stop telling me to write things and let me have...
Wasteland Survivor – Union - ch12
Ok, a quick heads-up for the non-Aussies: Ute - Pick-up truck Dry-as-a-bone - BIG heavy leather oiled trench coat that is water proof, when worn with a wide brimmed hat you can stand in a torrential downpour all day and not get wet at all * * * The...
Wasteland Survivor – Incursion - ch15
You will find the new characters I introduced in the last story were not just for show, they have their own plot :) Also note the speaking in the second part of this is not in english, just a heads-up. * * * We had spent the month since arriving at...
Wasteland Survivor – Targets - ch14
Back again, more helpings of WS, would you like seconds? * * * So hungry! I looked around the house again, rummaging through the pantry and all the cupboards and found one last tin of dog food at the back. Grinning I brought one of my clawed...
Wasteland Survivor – Reclamation - ch16
Sundays rock, nothing to do but relax, watch a movie, write two chapters... As usual, comments and votes are always welcome. * * * All told, Kevin changed two more of the teenagers and the three soldiers who were not already hybrid. Most...
Wasteland Survivor – New Genesis - ch17
Ok, took the warning and the ending out, should read from start to finish smoother now. * * * The clean up after the attempted slave run was messy, we had patrols capturing escaped enemy soldiers for over a week. Crystal insisted that each be checked...
Wasteland Survivor – Reaching out - ch18
Don't ask why, it jus flowed out, might have had something to do with Fox deleting my porn collection, I have too much free time on my hands now :D * * * I adjusted the mic, "Is this thing on?" I asked, and heard some chuckles. "Get on with...