Academy Days Part 4
Academy Days Part 4 for ArrowQuivershaft by Draconicon Arrow had thought Runout would be the most stressful thing that he might be forced to do as part of the AGATE program. It still was, but it was facing some...
Academy Days
Academy Days For Arrow By Draconicon Cadet Arrow Quincy Vershaft was a relatively new student to the AGATE program, but he had quickly learned that there was a deep need for privacy, for solitude, and more than anything else, the...
Copy of From Foes to Minions
From Foes to Minions For ArrowQuivershaft By Draconicon The mountain home of the fire giant Immalten seared the air like the fiery gates of Hell, and only the experience and teachings of their masters allowed...
Two Steps from Heaven
_'Next stop; Silvermint. Home to Holly's Haunt, Basketeer's, and to Ascalon; the greatest show in town. Drinks half off on Thursdays, from eight PM until close...'_ "Whoaaaaaa...." Lindsey pressed her nose against the window,...
Flying Free
Flying Free An Xmas Tale for Arrow Quivershaft By Felix Sagittarius Arrow Quivershaft had spent the whole morning studying for his Finals, going over old tests, practicing, working with the numbers until they swam around instead of being in...
Unknown Island
Unknown Island (red tailed Hawk Transformation story) By Joel Forrest and Falkie In the morning in a nice lovely city, in a great island, called paradise island, I woke up in a hotel bedroom. I had a full breakfast for a big day out. I said to...
Exploration Flight
For Arrow, re: his character Richard Gallian. (See eg. []( .) Any canon errors are mine. Exploration Flight The backpack weighed heavily on Richard's...
Animal's Social Worker
Icon by Jakkalwolf Original story/scenario/Makalu by Jakkalwolf Lindsey by me. Story taken from The Delta Project Support The Delta Project on Patreon! [](
Bad endings: Slimed
?Walking through the catacombs, Richard swept his eyes back and forth uneasily. This really wasn't his style, but he'd heard he might be able to find out more information about himself here. His torch cast an eerie light around the pillars. The dust...
2nd Person Pig TF
?The bolt of energy hits you square on, flinging you down to the ground. You struggle back up, reaching for your weapon, and realize you must've dropped it back when you got hit. As you stand, your vision wavers a bit, your balance awkward, you...
Life of Honor
? A Life of Honor For ArrowQuivershaft By Draconicon Kawheek stood between the approaching horde and the portal back to Hashinshira, his spear in hand and his wings unfurled to get their attention. The avian monk planted the butt of his...
Taking Flight
Taking Flight For Arrow By Engy Richard wasn't sure, but he was wide awake at night and anxious. He was usually a deep sleeper, prone to sleeping soundly through the night unless a major storm rolled through. As he looked out to the sky he...