Second Chances : Chapter 4

Author's note - I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and comments. I tried to go slower writing this one and forced myself to slow down my proof-reading, let me know if it helped. Also I was kind of curious about what you guys...

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Second Chances : Chapter 5

Authors note - So I had originally planned this to be my happy chapter but, I felt this was necissary before I moved onto the more lighthearted stuff. As always I wanna say thanks to all of those who fav/rate/watch and a special thanks to all...

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Second Chances : Chapter 3

Author's note - So here's chapter 3. I want to thank everyone for their favorites/watches/votes and especially for the comments :). I feel this one is a little slow but don't worry as the next one should pick up quite a bit. As always...

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Second Chances: Chapter 2

Author's note - I figured while I'm awake I migt as well post chapter 2 since I may not get the chance for a while. I hope you enjoy and as always please comment and vote, it means alot to me and it helps me improve my writing for all's...

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Little Talks

Sooooo its been a while... no promises. I hope I'm not too rusty for ya XD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 An Old and Empty House Sweet. The soft smell of freshly cut grass was the first...

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Second Chances 11.5 (Lukes perspective)

Authors note - So... I realize I havent written anything in a while, sorry about that, but I've got a small chapter for all yall out there. Is this chapter short? Yes. Am I trying to get back into the swing of things? Yes. That said...

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