Catch Me If You Can

**Catch Me If You Can** _by Altivo Overo (copyright 2007)_ Rusty rubbed his eyes and stretched, then pushed his chair back and stood up. He groaned. Too much time bending over the tiny piece of equipment on which he'd been working was becoming a...

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Jack'll Do: a poem

**Jack'll Do (Cow-horse Poetry)** by Altivo Overo (copyright 2017) Some folks there is doesn't like a gray: "He looks like dust!" is what they'll say. "Reminds me of a dark November day." But Jack sez, "Charlie'll do. When calves're...

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Samovar: a poem

**Samovar** _A poem by Altivo Overo_ _(with no apologies to Sir Walter Scott)_ O bold Samovar galloped into the West, Through all the wide country, that steed was the best At brawling, at boozing, at schmoozing the mares, Even while he avoided...

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