Final Footstep

"So it's come to this, hasn't it little one?" Azure rumbles, towering above you. The blue-and-black dragon crossed his arms and glares with disapproval; his glowing white eyes seem to pierce into your very soul. "You really aren't worth keeping around...

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31 Ripe

It had been a long growing season, but that time was about to end. The harvest was extensive, with fields ripe for the picking. The group set out, consisting of all manner of herbivores and omnivores, to pick as much of the ripe fruit, vegetable, and...

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30 Catch

A feline and ursine were sitting by a lake shore, spinning tales of their pasts while they were fishing. The two hadn't been there for much more than an hour before the cat had a bite on his line that nearly pulled him out of his chair. The struggle to...

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29 Injured

"Again?" the medic at the adventurer's guild asked. "Yep. Really." the crow said, slumping back in his chair. It was the fourth time this year he was placed on the injured reserve list. Being black-feathered, near silent, and capable of flight had...

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28 Ride

At the sorcerer's class reunion, a number of the alumni began to talk about their rides as most had moved on from simple broomsticks. A few went on about how the traditional broom was convenient and unassuming, but others had animated other objects for...

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27 Coat

"Back in for the usual?" The beetle nodded to the question. He'd been coming here for long enough that the stylist knew just what to do. With a gesture, the beetle was encouraged to lay belly-first upon the towel-covered table, an invitation he...

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26 Dark

Going into the cave seemed like a bad enough idea. Turns out it was even worse than that, as you discovered the hard way that you had fewer torches than you thought and the last one burned out before you could make your way out, leaving you and your...

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25 Tasty

The diversity of foodstuff at the city festival was astounding. All sorts of cultures and races brought in signature dishes, each representing the finest dining they felt deserved to be shared with the rest of the world. Some of the dishes may have...

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24 Dizzy

"What day is it?" I asked nobody in particular as I got out of bed. I stood up too quickly, which rendered me dizzy momentarily as blood struggled to get up to my head. I had to place a hand on the door frame momentarily to steady myself before I...

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23 Ancient

It's amazing that it still worked, really. A cell phone, circa 1997, found in the midst of moving from one apartment to another, in the bottom of a box that hadn't been fully unpacked in the last several moves. But after plugging it in and swapping out...

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22 Ghost

In an era of modern technology, death is only a minor inconvenience. Yes, the first time one is resurrected without a physical body - as if a ghost in a simulation - is unsettling. But if you get over it, there are certainly advantages to giving up a...

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21 Treasure

"You've come to steal my treasure!" the king exclaimed, backpedaling quickly from the dragon that had poked his head into the throne room." "_Your_ treasure? Don't be absurd." The dragon snorted in disgust. "You've taxed the life out of your citizens...

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