MLP: Lunar's Return pt 4
"Well I have nothing set up for the rest of the day aside from a few friends showing up...oh I almost forgot, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are supposed to come over later." I looked about the place before back to the young unicorn. "Well I can come back...
MLP: Lunar's Return pt 2
I took my time walking through the streets of the town. In my time away much had changed. When last I was here, there was nothing but a large open field, now a town stood in its place. Though I was a bit new to this place, many of the ponies that I...
MLP: Lunar's Return
It was mid-afternoon by the time I had reached the Equestrian boarders. Long had it been since I had set foot on the lands of my fore-fathers but never would I ever forget it. I was deep in the northern mountain range just coming through the pass when...
Path of a Legend Chapter 1
The year is 3952 of the fifth age. Peace has reigned for over a millennia. Roads that were once covered in the blood of hundreds of fallen warriors are now being traveled by commoners and royalty alike. Many have taken this time of peace as the coming...
MLP: The Griffin Wars
Smoke and debris litter the landscape as well as bodies of griffons and different types of ponies. This was once the beautiful land of Equestria, home of ponies and ruled over by two royal sisters, Celestia and Luna. The sound of clanging metal...
MLP: Prelude pt 5
"So she had a son?" Solaris nodded before a much larger dragon. The one in question was covered in sapphire blue scales from the tip of her snout to tip of her tail. Her underbelly was covered in opal colored scales. The spines that ran down her back...
MLP: Prelude pt 4
It was a cold autumn morning as Lunar sat in front of the headstones of both his parents. They were both buried with distinguished honors in the face of danger and laid to rest in the royal cemetery. He sat there with his head low before the two...
MLP: Prelude pt 2
In the weeks coming since the little foal was found by the couple, Night Hawk was called back to duty at the castle. Lunar had not yet grasped the idea that his surrogate father had work to do and started to cry softly for him. "Shh hush now my little...
MLP: Prelude
A flash of light and a boom of thunder were all that signaled the coming storm. Deep in the western forest a pony covered in a brown cloak trotted briskly through the slight overgrowth. In the equines mouth the pony carried a basket. Inside, covered up...
Path of a Legend Chapter 8
"Why don'cha be stayin a while. At least head back in the morning. You two can be havin the guest room right down the hall there." Laura said. "Thank you but I really must..." "I won't be takin no for an answer. I insist. I'm sure whatever business...
MLP ((Title work in prgress))
Night had fallen over the whole of Equestria. The moon's pale glow covered the land in its warming light. Deep in the Everfree Forest just on the outside of Ponyville, a light mist preceded a dark figure as it slowly trotted through the wooded area....