Path of a Legend Chapter 8

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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"Why don'cha be stayin a while. At least head back in the morning. You two can be havin the guest room right down the hall there." Laura said.

"Thank you but I really must..."

"I won't be takin no for an answer. I insist. I'm sure whatever business you have in Orisi can wait till tomorrow. Besides, it's not every day my daughter come to visit with news she's getting married. Go on now, off with you. I'll be starting supper soon anyhow and don't want me baby to go without a meal." She shooed both Star and Kathlyn down the corridor east of the living room. "It's the door right in front of you." Once the two had gone in and closed the door Laura shook her head. "Mm mm mmm that boy can lay me out any day." She laughed to herself as she headed for the kitchen.

Kathlyn placed her stuff on the bed and sat beside it in a sigh. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Star asked.

"Hmm? Oh nothing Star." She replied. Star knew something was up, his latent abilities were starting to take hold and he was able to read her mind. But even if he couldn't he knew what bothered her. "You miss him don't you?"

"Huh? Who?" She looked at him puzzled. "Don't play dumb. You miss your father, I know you do, and I can see it in your eyes." Star said.

"I was eight when he passed away. We didn't even know he had anything till it was too late. One day he was fine and the next he could not even get out of bed. The doctor thought it might have been Barcari poison but there were no bite marks on him. Later after he died my mother ordered the doc to perform an autopsy. Turns out it was something my father had picked up on one of his excursions. Some kind of parasite." By this time, Star was sitting next to her and she was leaning against him. "I never even got to say good bye to him."

"Kat I don't tend to know why the goddesses choose who stays and who goes, all I know is that eventually we will be together again and when that happens, I am sure he will be waiting for you with open arms." Kathlyn wrapped her arms around Star and nuzzled into his side. "I'm glad I chose the right person."

"Was there any other choice?" He asked jokingly.

"Well there ARE a few others but none with the blood of kings." She smiled.

"Oh so now you only wanted me because I have royal blood." Kathlyn smield and nuzzled his cheek. "Star I have loved you long before you told your cousin was the King. I told myself if ever there was one person in this world that I would marry, it would have been you."

"And indeed it is." He leaned down and tipped her chin up before placing his lips upon hers and kissing her deeply.

It was roughly thirty minutes before the couple emerged from their room and entered the kitchen. Kathlyn's mother was busy making dinner when they sat at the table. "So Star, how old you be?"

"Twenty four but why do you ask?"

"Because marriage be a big decision to make at such a young age. Most don't marry tell they are well into them thirties. Tren and I didn't marry till he was thirty two."

"Tren? Who is that?" Kathlyn giggled. "That's my father's name silly."

"Aye him was a ansome wolf. We were there when we found out about your parents Star. It be a shame to lose your mother and father that way, disrespectful humans. Nair a good one amongst them." Laura had said while she dumped a few cut up vegetables into a large pot. "Mmm what are you making mom, it smells good."

"Its me island stew. I have not made it in a while since it was just me here. But now that I have guests I thought it was about time I do so." She started to hum a little tone as she continued her work. Star sighs deeply and laid his head on his folded arms. "Star what's wrong?" Kathlyn asked.

"Oh this whole thing is getting out of hand. I mean just last year I had no idea I was kin to royal blood, now this." He sighed again.

"I will admit it is a bit over whelming, some much so fast can intimidate anyone."

"My point exactly." Kathlyn then raised her claw to stop him. "But you are not just anyone one Star, you are unique. How many umbreon that you have met have wings like yours, hmm? One, two?"

"None." He replied.

"Exactlly, you are the only one gifted with the power of flight."

"Not even your mother and father had wings such as yours." Laura added.

"See, you may very well be the only one in the history of our kind." Kathlyn placed a claw on his head and gently ran it through his dark hair. "So what you are saying is that I'm a freak." She just shook her head. "No Star you are not a freak. A freak would not risk his life for someone he loved. You are far more then what you think you are Star."

Star sighed and nodded to his soon to be wife. "Well now let us stop talkin bout this and eat. Stew is done." Laura said as she slid the two of them a bowl of her stew and then poured one herself. "So Star how them Torrents be?"

"Well Storm is doing ok though there are times I think she wants another pup."

"Ah that be her maternal instincts kicking in." She replied.

"The king has charged Rain with my safe keeping but I don't need his protection, I can take care of myself and Tide, well she is a bit broken up that I would have choosen Kat over her but...I just don't see her that way. I mean I grew up with her and by all accounts she is like my sister." He said before taking another spoonful of stew.

"Yes Kate be telling me about her. I can understand your reasoning behind your decision but from Tide's view she feels you see her as second best. Perhaps when you return to Andorhal you will tell her this." Star nodded as he continued his meal. Kathlyn was silent for a time before she spoke. "Mom?"

"Hmm? What is it child?" She replied.

"I know you miss dad a lot and I know you feel like you have to be strong for me but, I can't help but think you are unhappy."

"Nothing be getting past your eyes dear daughter. I do miss your father but you are the culmination of the love we shared." She smiled and held her daughter close. Kathryn just nuzzled into her mother. "Well I have somethings I should look into while I'm here. You two catch up on, I'll be back in a while." Kate and her mother both nodded as Star left her home and into the city. He didn't tell them the real reason he left though, something was calling to him, something close. It was like a pull, as if it was guiding him to where he had to go.

He had gotten further into the city till at last he had stopped in front of what seemed like a rundown old shop. It was in an older part of the city and looked like it had not been used in sometime. As he opened the door and looked in he could that it was well taken care of despite its outer features. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Once he stepped inside the door closed shut behind him and made him turn around fast. A slight chill ran down his spine as he figured he had walked right into a trap. "I have been awaiting your arrival oh great one. It was about time you come to visit Medusa. We have a lot to talk about you and I." Star slowly turned around and there standing, or rather coiled before him was a naga. She was light brown in color and her under scales were lighter still. She wore a dark blue gown that would sparkle in the right light, very reminiscent of the night sky. Her hood came from the top of her head around and connected to the bottom. Her deep violet eyes gazed upon the umbreon as if like her name would suggest to turn him to stone. "Was it you that was calling to me?" The female serpent hissed a laugh. "Tis fate that brought you to me, the work of the goddesses it was. I am Medusa Loklorin a seer of sorts."

"You mean a fake is more like it." Star retored.

"I see you do not believe me, no matter come, follow me." She turned and slithered her way into the back of the shop with star close behind. He was unsure as to what the serpent was getting at but intrigued all the same. "Long has it been the time of the great King Avyion. Long has it been since he banished the darkness incarnate of Legion into the abyss, presumably forever."

"Assuming Things is the first step to getting yourself killed." He replied.

"That it be but none the less it has been over a thousand years since that time. Peace has lasted within our world but no longer. The powers that held the creature at bay are weakening, Legion will return and when it dose I have no doubt it will come for you." Star looked at her with a pulled stare. "Why me? I have never even seen this thing, no one has."

"Ah but that's where you are wrong. I am sure you have had nightmares, images of things and places you can not explain, memories that are not your own." Star was a little freaked out, how did she know all these things when the only ones who knew were his family and Kate. "The look on your face tells me I am right. It is said that when Legion returns, Avyion will also return to finish the job he started so long ago and destroy Legion forever and so he has, in you."

"Hold on that's not right I don't bare any resembalence to him at all, Im not even a dragon, you must have the wrong anthro here lady I am not the one you are looking for." He turned to leave but stopped dead in his tracks as she continued to speak, this time about things that NO ONE knew. "I am sure you are aware of it. You are able to use abilities beyond you type preference, able to learn every technique your kind has discovered thus far, even your wings" She slowly made her way closer to him. "How is it that you are the only one of your kind that bares them, that in the history of your species you are the first and only to have the ability of flight." Her words were now a mere whisper as she drew close to his ear. "That you have powers even you yourself did not know existed. Face it young Stargazer Alura Scorpan, you possess the soul of your ancestor, the greatest king to ever live and the only one that is able to stop the coming darkness."

Star stood there a moment before he looked to her. "Say you are right, that I am Avyion reborn, what then? Am I to live as he did, go through the same hardships of losing everyone he ever loved just to destroy a creature I know nothing about, all for the sake of saving our world?" The naga smiled softly at his and placed a gentle hand to his cheek. "My dear savior, just because you bare the soul of your forefather dose not mean you bare his fate. Relish in the fact that you are not he, that you are whom YOU are. Your path is different then that of his even though they lead to the same outcome."

"And what pray tell would that be?" He asked.

"That you my dear boy will because a legend."