The Door...
We frown and wipe are tears on the pillow as we regret not spending more time with thoes we love..with thoes we hold dear to are heart..for ever day we miss them is another day we cry and we will miss them until the day we die, we will fight a good...
A song for....
~N~\*sits on the couch\* ~K~\*walks in the room with a violin case and sits beside you\* ~N~\*leans up against you\*Why did we let him leave? ~K~You know was the right thing to do...let them go and if thay come back thay are yours"i...
*Tasers you* why? because its a smutty teaser!
She laughed softly a smirk that could scare even a god as she grabbed my paw "Oh come on, there dead and we have the house to our selves" That idea she had was preposterous was it not, but some how alluring "We could get caught babe, and then where...
Story for a song
[]( I stepped forward to the edge of the cliff looking down in to the cavern and the rocky spires. A red band covering my eyes as wind blows thru my black fur my eyes still blood...
Just some info about this folder
Hey guys just wanted to let you all know this folder is for only practising our craft. Aka all of this is non canon, any of the shorts could be stooped at any moment and possibly countless errors since we do not spend as much time as they are just...
Wow, that delay was long
As the tital states we are back bitches( and hounds)!!! Finally, eh?! its been ages! We are back and ready for action...\>-\> in writing I mean I don't mean like the..yiff and shit. Trying to go for the just BF gets the D. One day maybe, who knows....