The Door...

Story by Kunar the Oracle on SoFurry

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#1 of emotions stuff

~K~ this is just some emotional stuff

~N~we where told it was a good idea to wright sooo ya

We frown and wipe are tears on the pillow as we regret not spending more time with thoes we love..with thoes we hold dear to are heart..for ever day we miss them is another day we cry and we will miss them until the day we die, we will fight a good fight we will fight until the last we will fight thro it uts the only chance we have, if we stop if we give in we will die and they will win...every day we miss you every day we cry we remember the times we did not hold you, and we remember when you died, we only are here for so long before the last door calls are names, and we will come hither to the door at the end, it will be the end of it all in on the other side, for every thing that lives also can die.

you will fight you will try in the end we all will die...

We pick op are blade and open the door knowing that there will be nothing more, we have lived we have loved we have lost and we have found, we laughed and we cryed, we helped and we hurt, but now we reach the end, we reach the door.