“The Khajiit and The Amulet of Divine Luck” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

"The Khajiit and The Amulet of Divine Luck" **A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion** I remember my father once telling me that only a fool would trust a Khajiit with a Cheshire grin. I found his point of philosophy to be...


“Let the Fur Fly” -:A Rave song I thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-

"Let the Fur Fly" _-:A Rave song I thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-_ Come on now and reach the sky COME ON BABY LET THE FUR FLY! (Long Techno beat) Foxies now Step right in! Give your tails a twirly spin! Tap...


“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)

"More Then Meets The Eye" -:A Story Where Fur-Haters Get What They Deserve:- **Introduction:** How many of you have ever wanted to see a fur hater get the justice that they deserve? For those of you who have had the displeasure of...

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“Two Lover’s Under the Hunters Moon”

**"Two Lover's Under the Hunters Moon"** Two lovers stand face to face And quickly embrace each other As they stand together under the hunters moon. Amber eyes of pricing fire Lock their gazes together And draws each other forward Their...

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“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta

I got into the Pokémon fandom way back when I was a young kid in the late 1990s. My friends used to bring these cool Pokémon collector cards to school and battle with them outside during recess. I wanted to play also but I didn't have any cards of my...

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