Age Away Day Spa

All thanks to the age away day spa. true to their word, gator felt young again, and nothing would ever happen to mess that up.

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Age of Endeavors Part 2

age of endeavors part 2 by: pent ghelsburg disclaimer: all characters in this story are fictional. they are my creation and intellectual property. any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely a coincidence.

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Age of Endeavors Part 1

Each squire was assigned a shah who was responsible for their wellbeing from the age of 8 until 14. one member of the selective service was miraj.

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Age Regression April Shennanigans

The kitten shrunk in size and age as soon as he was hit. his tail grew shorter and his ears smaller. after a few moments, he was a toddler just two years of age. "the show is starting soon! hurry! hurry! hurry!"

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History Lesson - Coming of Age

Let's celebrate your coming-of-age tonight, but for now, open this door, so we can make it to the coronation in time."

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The Coming of a New Age - Prologue

You know, an age can't go over a thousand years. it means that within eight years, something of huge proportions will happen to end this age," he explained, calmly, "everyone's wondering what will it be, this time around.

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The Beastmaker's Age - YEAR 3

#28 of tales of the beastmaker the golden age of the beastmaker continues. the world is at peace, prosperity is rising everywhere, and everything is going just swell.

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Chapter 54: The Golden Age

#54 of the mating season 4 chapter 54: the golden age zaldon had a cold.


Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship

The good news is, it will be replaced by this, "age of innocence" which will be posted as it's finished.

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Battle for the ages Chapter 2

**Next chapter, thanks alexlongfur for the encouragement**. Shade woke up under the tree he had been sleeping under. "Where am I?", he thought. He tried to stand up and his memories came back with a rush of pain. "Oh, yah... I remember now.", he...


Mercy 3: Once In an Age

This is something that hasn't happened in ages, don't you realize? ages! and i am the one that doing this. you can not even begin to fathom how humiliating this is. much less how difficult it is for me to do this for you."

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An Age Unbecoming Pt 1

"ours is the age that promotes imagination, where the creative rule and have all the power.

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