Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirteen
Everyone i knew -- dad, mom, mcgus, aesop, jade, and grandpa teddy -- were sitting around the hospital bed. cousin gumdrop lurked in the corner, leaning against the wall, giving me a smug grin as if she'd been waiting years for this.
The Foolish Toads
Wise aesop told this tale, its wisdom rings 'tis better log, than stork is, as your king. written by me © creative commons 2016
The Rhino and the Tiger
As for the story itself it's an aesop's fable about two siblings and the value of family and not being alone.
The Worm and the Fish
I shouldn't read aesop's fables after two years of working in call centers. it makes things come into my head and it makes my fingers type them.
The Doe and the Wolf Pack
I've always liked aesop's fables. short, sweet, and to the point. a young doe was being chased though the forest by a pack of wolves. suddenly the deer stopped, turned around and said: "shame on you!"
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Three
"and that's what you traded aesop the bowling ball for? a spellbook? holy hamburger casserole, ethan!" "i was fine until you came in," he snapped, "you're lucky you didn't blow up the whole neighborhood, you idiot!"
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirty Three
aesop was behind me, still unconscious. grandpa teddy was alive, but just barely. i gave him a minute, if that, before the poisonous laughter did its job. a puddle of melted, colorful rubber was all that remained of legion.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Nine
Maybe jade and aesop could wait a little bit longer. **next chapter: 2/06/2022**
Fables & Follies
#1 of verse fables four adaptations from aesop's fables into english verse. i'm getting back to my roots on this one.
The Fox And The Crow
One of aesops great stories. the fox and the crow redone. it was a nice sunny day in the forest. the sun was shining and not a cloud was in the sky.
Beating A Live Horse
Val gordon picked up his glass unconcernedly, dropped his gaze away from the screens lining the betting pit at aesop's stables and to his pads on the table, and took a sip.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Nineteen
Whatever that book he'd wanted from aesop's shop was, it was still firmly out of our price range. that, more than anything, made me mad.