Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 11)

He saw something familiar, something he had not seen in years... recognition was swiftly followed by absolute hatred, and he literally dove from the pyre onto the pup.

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Unsure, lacking confidence and absolute strength, seeking a destiny that is both familiar and unknowable at the same time. but in the end, i am still one that people look up to. i must remain strong.

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023 - Prime pt.06

Ohhh this is an absolute tune this, in fact this is butters and chloe's song! a weekly cause for busted vocal chords comes from belting this one out in bar.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 90

Sarah knelt down beside them, absolutely frantic, trying to tend to both of them at once. "are you all right?" kiana's hands immediately went to her stomach. "i...

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Worlds Apart - Epilogue

Your compliance is critical to the future of the human race and your cooperation is absolutely essential to our survival. together we will end this threat.


Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 84 - The five stages of acceptance...

'she had absolutely no idea why i was giving her five dinar out of the blue and hesitated to take it... but after i told her that it was okay, she kept staring at it, as if she had absolutely no idea what to do with it.

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Fix or Forget | Part 2

Instead, i'm running down a flight of stairs like some sort of stalker, trying to chase down a fox who wants absolutely nothing to do with me. what's worse is that i have absolutely no idea what i'm going to do once i catch up.

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The crowd was absolutely hyped by the group of handsome wolves dancing together and the performance was absolutely flawless. all of their hard work had definitely paid off.

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Stalker (pt. 2)

That was absolutely not concerning at all. my senses started going into overdrive. i knew the feeling well; a sudden rush of adrenaline, tensing of muscles, that slight twitch on my eyelid.

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The Truth

And i know that the thought of this being true is absolutely terrifying for many of you. but, i'm here to tell you today that what i'm about to tell you is absolutely the truth. "for over twenty years, i have worked as a scientist at station sigma.

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It All Started (Part 3)

It seemed like the husky in front of me was doing his absolute best not to jump up and down from excitement, though his tail was wagging at the speed of a hummingbird wing.

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