Digimon: Fusion ch.1.

Disclaimer: I do not and will never own Digimon or Renamon -.- sadly... Chapter 1 How long do i have to shout? "-Multikill!-" He sat in front of his X-Box, playing CoD. He was a gamer, so this was mostly everything he did . His name was Ryan,...


new life: chapter 4

I was sound asleep in my dreams but my stupid alarm ruins my beauty sleep. I had trouble finding it though it was right next to me but my eyes were shut still. I open my eyes and slam the clock it was, 6 am, which meant for me to go to school. I got up...

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 15

A Mistake from the Past They walked along the quiet corridor, hoping of any attacks that could be directed to them. The place was full of rocks. They expected any attacks that could come anytime to them, and they were ready. "H...hold on for a...

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.3a, Accountability

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 9.3, Accountability Theo looked sorrowfully down at the nearly-empty vial that he had repurposed from its original job as a specimen container into a tooth pick case. It had once been stuffed full of tooth picks but...

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Superiority Chapter 7

Superiority Chapter 7 It had been a long morning for the wolves of tent C-Eighteen. They had received the responsibility of unloading the newly received LDSRD-V2 Light Armored Assault Vehicles. The base had recently been shipped...

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6b, The Brightest Blossom (Pt 3)

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 6.3b, The Brightest Blossom Although 'tea' was hardly a real meal in any sense of the word, Friar Arlowe considered it one of the greatest meals he'd had in days because it was one he shared with Cruffington. The...

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Eye of a Needle

"Are you afraid of needles, Fran?" Fran had always vaguely hated hospitals. This must have been a fairly widespread sentiment all over Earth, she imagined. Of course, you go to the hospital because you need to, not because you want to, she told...

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