Your Love Is Enough, Chapter 3: Gunsmoke

Colton's P.O.V August 22nd I blink my eyes open, the bright morning light. I shake my head a little and find, to my pleasure, my headache, along with my injuries from yesterday, are gone. As I try to sit up, though, I groan. My muscles are stiff...

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A Virtual Wish, Chapter Three

I feel myself hovering in a semiconscious state, locked in my Coffin. It won't let me out fully until I specifically decide to Rise, and now that won't be for another few days, or until I regain consciousness in the Sleep so I can decide that. My...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Three

### Chapter Three Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"I just got to get out of this prison cell. One day, I'm going to be free!"_ --Freddie Mercury As Arron continued showing Markus around the apartment, showing Narr's love for techno and dub-step with...

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A Virtual Wish, Chapter Two

I yawn and stretch as I throw off my covers and pull on a shirt. I rub my eyes while heading downstairs for breakfast. The whitewashed walls burn my eyes like they always do in the mornings, with their brilliant whiteness as the sun reflects off of...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Thirteen

## The Furry Rebellion Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Twelve

### Chapter Twelve Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."_ _--Winston Churchill_ A murmur spread through the market place as all the Astorians turned to gaze in...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eleven

### Chapter Eleven Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"It is during our darkest moments we must focus to see the light."_ _-- Aristotle Onassis_ A large market square was laid out before them, large city buildings with stores all around a large square...

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Captivity - Chapter 6

"to add on top of that, i haven't seen a winged wolf in about ten years, let alone seen one that wasn't feathered. i don't even know what yours made of. good decision of picking the larger dress to hide them though," she gave me a nod.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fifteen

## The Furry Rebellion Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"Battle is an orgy of disorder."_ _--George S. Patton_ Somehow, it seemed, the wretch had managed to survive the skirmish they had had a few hours ago, fresh bandages that had been administered...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Sixteen

#16 of the furry rebellion a bit short, but i am rather busy and i haven't uploaded anything in the past two weeks, i hopefully will resume writing more frequently again.characters narr (fox, two tails, m) arron (winged wolf, grey, m) farinay (winged panther

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A Life Worth Living - Chapter 4 - Brick Road of Broken Dreams

Apparently there aren't all too many winged wolves around here." "that's not true." "ohh yea, do you see any other winged wolves around here?" "yea, my brother, my dad, my uncle, my..." her voice trailed off as she went silent.

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The Wolves of Twilight: Fallen Angels -- Chapter 2

Several other black winged wolves were already there. as they entered, all activities in the room died down as everyone noticed farniadus and orkæn. "this is orkæn," farniadus said to the others, introducing the new twilight wolf.

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