Model Behavior
He gained his hindpaws, but the bear was reluctant to open his robe for fear of what he'd heard called a "wardrobe malfunction," on a scale far more explicit than that offered by the stallion.
The Show
Of course, such an event had been planned for by the costume department, the monster tours being most popular with young children and the soccer moms who herded them through the park, thus the wardrobe malfunction revealed nothing more than a pair of short
atimist commission a sizable problem
Better be more careful don't need another wardrobe malfunction, or do we?" ati teased as he and pryor laughed a bit, but stopped as sam hit his arm.
Giant's Leap (Agency's Endgame)
"having a wardrobe malfunction?" emily had flown off toward the second wolf, who was barely visible against the stars. an optic camo spacesuit? she said, "you murderer! i don't care if i have to snap this station in half to get you.
Stolen From Some Great Writer [Winter Meta 2022]
"there has been a wardrobe malfunction out on the slopes!" the wolfling explained, making the gryphon gasp. "oh dear. those seem to be popular today."
Chaos Eternal
First, she made sure to tie the bottom part of her robe into a knot that would ensure she wouldn't suffer any unexpected wardrobe malfunction.