Fire Branded Leather: Ad in the Paper

"i've been with the v-town fire service since i got out of school. i almost thought of joining the police for a while but i'm the wrong... breed."

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Something Wicked This Way Comes...

Take a walk on the wild side and see a part of v-town you never knew existed... fire branded leather book one of the fire dog trilogy a v-town story coming november 15'th

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The Hunters

I've got a decent view of v-town, just out of sight to the west i can almost see the sun glinting off the frigid waves of the pacific.

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Job Search

I sat back and began ticking off points on my claws, "v-town is an independent city-state running the standard olson modified republic system.

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The Lion, and the Lion

"v-town is about as far as you can get from the isles. i know i have family there, my mother told me once." he held out his other hand, "look at me." he flexed his claws under the tawny coat.

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New Best Friend

I could just see the moon from my window, rising full and silver over the crumbling towers of v-town. i was never much of a howler, but i felt like it now.

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Office Work, with a Twist of Carnage

We just picked up an additional large government contract for bounties here in v-town, so we've ramped up on our recruiting, even more than usual." "you guys seem to be putting a lot of effort into it."

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Another Day, Another Broken Bone

You're in the best room of the v-town general, not a finer bed to be found in the city. as for the cost, don't you worry; one of the many papers you signed to get in the company slotted you in on our insurance.

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