Story Guide: BOVERSE

_qina_ [china] adjective:_qinese_ _allemania_ [germany] adjective:_alleman_ _britannia_ [united kingdom/britain] adjective:_britannic_ _anciennais_ [france] adjective:_ancien_ capital:_risien_ _nihonna_ [japan] adjective:_nihonni_ _vindus_ [india

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The Bloodless Soldier

The first few enemy we had encountered here, assisting our oldest ally, the united kingdom, with their problems, was merely human, or human like, regulars.

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Algerian Speed (part 2)

"you developed a reputation back in the united kingdom with furmula reynault. a reputation that could rub certain teams the wrong way..."


My Story...

By bitewolf aka whitewolf (name being used already) hello my names sean and im pretty new at this so have an open mind :d this story is based on a non-fur world in the united kingdom near chelmsford whilst i was still in my teens.

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Marsten's Interview

He was born in the highlands of the united kingdom and raised near london, bringing a much needed breath of international flair to the second life scene. i recently got a chance, well, several, actually to talk with this intriguing gentleman.

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Break, or How I Became A Superhero

Which is pretty much what the police did until the registration forces (based in the united kingdom) could arrive to take me away. a picket formed outside the police station with astonishing speed.

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To Nanna's House or Bust (part 1 of 2)

Rye was looking for "himself" when he went on a pilgrimage to the united kingdom, where exactly i forgot.

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History, from The First to Second Great War

Meanwhile, _the evolutionaries_ is created, an umbrella term for the western alliance armies under the council of the president of america, prime minister of canada and the chancellor of great briton and united kingdom.

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Memories of a black fox.

At around the time the women's suffrage movement was in full swing in the united kingdom that daughter took the steel-clan wolf armor and came after me. do not let it be said that i have no faith in the abilities of the fairer sex.

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My Story....part 2

My story...part 2 prologue by bitewolf aka whitewolf this story is based on a non-fur world in the united kingdom near chelmsford whilst i was still in my teens. back to the story (suggest u read first one just called my story...)

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Epilogue – Remnants of Hope

Douglas and veronica left for the united kingdom before the headquarters was destroyed; the thought of giving the final order of it's destruction being a huge burden to the bear.

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Picture Perfect

He really didn't have that much free cash to spend, especially this early in the 'grande tour of the united kingdom.' the package tour including transportation, hotels, and most meals.

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