The Other Side Of Summer V: Graham's Story

Graham had been blind since birth - he was born several weeks premature and his eyes never had a chance to fully develop. But to call him disabled was a grave mistake. Even as a baby, he'd crawl fearlessly around the house, touching and feeling...

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Other Side Of Summer IV: A Telephone Call

A telephone rang. "Hello?" "Mr. Otter? This is in regards to your son. I'm afraid the operation was not a success." A gasp. He had feared this call. "What happened?" "The doctors tried to remove the growths, but they remained no matter how they were...

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Cry Me a Murder (part nine): The other side of Zero

_Terminated?_ I was one grade away from being targeted for termination by the MI-16. I had already killed three MI-16 agents, and if the MI-16 decided I was to blame for the death of Jack Tell, they would come screaming at me, like a battalion of...

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Cry me a Murder, pt 7 - The Other Side of Zero

Cry Me a Murder. Chapter VII. _The Other Side of Zero._ Morning. I needed a smoke, I needed coffee, I needed a drink and I needed to puke. My stomach cramped up from last night's good bourbon and bad judgement. I'd been so eager to solve the...

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In the Shadow of Life: Prologue, Part 3-The Other Side of Life

#3 of in the shadow of life **in the shadow of life: prologue, part 3-the other side of life** i arrived back at my house, presumably on time, because my parents weren't outside waiting for me. "well, here i go..."

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India: A River-Crossin' Adventure

I thought the keys were on the other side of the river!" "got one!" patricia says. barbara makes it to the other side soon after and grabs a key too. kiki makes it next and she quickly gets one. milon makes it to the other side next. "crap!"

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 30

"come on, we cut through this small wood and see what comes about on the other side.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 38

Keep running till you reach the other side, and i'll be right there to give you that carving. no matter what, i'll always be there."

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Interview with Cerberus

Death, just like charon, was simply that what brought a soul on the other side, and sometimes he would leave his little raft to reap them by himself.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 38

Keep running till you reach the other side, and i'll be right there to give you that carving. no matter what, i'll always be there."

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