
great wars wars caused by greed greed for power, greed for wealth the planet's race fought one another fought till there was none of them left the name of this planet the name of these people earth humans

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Illusion of Reality Prologue

\*\*\* about a thousand or so years after the great war, another ideal began to arise. the people of amarahn began to think that they were the stronger city of the humans.

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Nathanriel's Fate- Chapter 8

So in large part the great war started because of a demon, then it was a demon that took control over fate and escalated things dramatically. and then it was a group of demons that ended the great war.

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D.E1 Chapter 78: Symbiotic Bond

In our strive to prevent the great war to ever happen again, we are losing our essence... you need to awake from that fear that blinds you. you need to remember what means to be a retcan...

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Blades and Brush-Prologue

the "great war", as we call it, had gone on for a merciless 513 years and was halted abruptly by what we now refer to as an "elder dragon". his flames had scorched the battleground and his eyes were full of fury.

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The Nature of Life - Chapter 3

I'm fine, i'm sorry... it's just... sometimes i get these visions_..." he paused, seeming unsure if he should continue, "_visions of the past, during the great war...

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 5

The destruction of the wolvrun home world prompted the immediate end to the great war, bringing remorseful peace to the galactic federation species.

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D.E1 Chapter 34 Desertion

We tried to look tough and emotionless, thinking that such behavior would protect us from the great war ever happening again. all we needed was to build our society how it used to be before the great war. continue to be retcans."

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 17-The Testament

the great war lasted for 4 thousand nine hundred twenty one years, ten days, twenty hours and ten seconds.

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If you are interested in learning more, you can find many of the original interviews and a list of more information about the great wars on my website. ...

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