A Tangled Ball of Yarn – Ep5

We're watching the bad guys right now but i need you to do some things to make sure you're safe. can you do that for me?" "_i guess.. what do you need me to do?"_ "grab your stuff and get out of wherever you are.

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Teaser: Gerbil 07

Psychologically, i'm up for any kind of physical or mental torture the bad guys can think of. women want me. men want to throw things at me." i drummed my hind feet. "bring it on."

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The Background

He always beats the bad guys even though they're so much stronger and more experienced. why? because he's the main character. that's why. it's just a fact of this strange phenomenon they call "life". i hear a shout. the magical battle is starting.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 5

I don't want them thinking we're the bad guys here." "what do you want us to do about it, sir?" asked nick.

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WC/LotW C4

bad guys run, or more limp off, we are finally introduced to lady venii, the other guys aren't too happy about being helped especially by a girl, no matter how large, but i thanked her anyways.

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 7

I always wanted to be like you, fighting the bad guys and be all like "don't worry loves, the cavalry's here!' 'i don't do that.' 'that's reason number one. number two, gazelle just said that she admires the zpd a lot at her latest interview.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 22

Love heart smiled, "it's nice not having to go on missions, especially since the bad guys seem to be waiting on us. i'll try to keep you updated about things."

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His Destiny (part 4)

Well is guild that does all kind of bad stuff and if someone tries to react gets killed... painfully killed... and for that nobody fells safe anymore not even in their houses, and for that all the "bad guys" swarms around doing what they pleases, for now the


It Started With a Night of Fright (Spera's View 1)

And one more question to get you thinking on the story line, why would the bad guys want in the military base? i need ideas for a name of the general and the leader so just shout them out in the comment box.

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kiss of the dragon part 4

After this life went on as normal stephanie did all the house hold choirs and david brought the bad guys to justice and now there was a new person in there life it was little dave a boy horse that stephanie had raised her self with david's help he

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Inferno High - Chapter 17

Even so, the bad guys won every time, so i guess i'm like super good at playing with peoples' minds or something. i noticed my dad acting kinda funny about me and alex, he'd look over at us and give us strange looks, studying us.

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Dear Diary [Part 2]

When i asked him if he liked getting to catch the bad guys at the end of all of it he gave me a real stern look and said it's not always that simple. he said he'd rather be boring than be a good guy because when you're good guy bad things can happen.

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