Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 2 - Hatchlings
You kissed spyro the dragon!?" she asked, voice bubbling with equal parts surprise and disbelief. flame nodded proudly. "i guess i must have been more than just any old dragon to him after all."
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 1 - Autumn Plains
spyro the dragon, the one responsible for his current predicament, had never come across a mountaintop, ravine or tower so high he didn't want to soar from it.
New year, new life chapter 2
. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* history class flew by for cynder, she couldn't get over spyro. the dragon was a genius, he seemed to know every answer the teacher posed.
The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 1: Unwanted Guest
spyro the dragon stood there, eyeing him over. spyro had a look of shock on him. after all, before now, spyro was the only purple dragon. they stared at each other for a few seconds before malefor dropped the apple. malefor began to turn to run.
Chapter 15: Revelations
The marine looked at spyro. the dragon seemed dead set on what he was going to do. the soldier sighed. "fine, we're coming with to."
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 12 - Flame's Plan
Flame had already checked the plasma sockets twice, but he figured he might as well do it again, just in case. If the wiring wasn't right, the four oscillation cones wouldn't get enough juice and the force field wouldn't work. That or the cones could...
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 17
" hey spyro..." the dragoness blurt out as she laid eyes on his tail farther into the tunnel the purple dragon balked startled "... you have a head for little details. are these the metals the mole in the store talked about?"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 17
spyro the dragon, normal dragon was all that mattered to me" he shook his head "i was so wrong" "whether i like it or not those people need me, and i locked myself from them.
Dragon's Pride 4
Seraphor's electric claws almost hit spyro. the dragon was inside his berserk genocide mode seen from his yellow eyes.
Jillian searches for the obligatory infodump
"hello, i'm spyro." the dragon introduced himself. "hi, i'm jillian." jillian responded, "how many of you guys are there?" "quite a lot!" a somewhat french sounding voice said, accompanying much heavier steps.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 13
All those thing however were unimportant for spyro, the dragon statues standing near the wall on both sides of the temple was what really interested him.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 12
Is that you spyro?" the dragon's eyes widened at the sound of a familiar female voice, he exactly knew to whom it belonged to_ _" mom...?"