The Angel Above Me Part 1

His childhood was a normal one, sibling rivalries and homework. he was never too active, but he always loved swimming and went every chance he could, which wasn't too often.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 05: Dinner with Ducks

"nothing, just a little sibling rivalry." he shrugged it off and put the suitcases in front of the closet. "make yourself at home." after taking his coat off and putting it on the desk, max put their bags beside the bed.

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The Human Species Ch.13 - Mythological Monstrosity Rayquaza

Lucario sighed, "you know, i get the feeling your animosity for your brother beyond sibling rivalry." "hmpf... " kabuta huffed, wishing she could cross her arms lying down for extra effect, " just sayin'...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 27

It didn't escape the group's attention that there was something more bottled up in the dragon's heart than normal sibling rivalry. "get some rest, all of you, i'll keep watch.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 28

Rini smiled at the sibling rivalry. her brothers were a lot older than she was, the youngest a junior in high school, so she never really had the kind of relationship that took place right beside her.

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Chapter 1: The One That Started It All

sibling rivalry. they both get on each other's nerves. you see, she just got her own place, and now he has to stay with her for awhile because his house burned down or something." "oh," joey said, downing his fourth drink.

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Silver's Stories The Younger Years WIP

"well that's normal, my sisters call it sibling rivalry." red said turning back and the two getting back to there game. "so red, you wanna hang out tomorrow afternoon?" i asked tilting my head a bit.

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The Green Ziz-Ziz & the Pink Meteor ("Meega Bigger"/"Who's Bigger Now?" unofficial part three)

The two gigantic "cousins" glared at each other as whatever friendliness they had for each other was shafted in favor of resuming their sibling rivalry. so much for being _?ohana_. "meega, nala kweesta!"

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Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters

It was just a bit of sibling rivalry, and though maybe sometimes tempers got the better of them and things escalated beyond what they should have, they still for the most part got along. at least as well as brothers could.

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Trials of Capacity

With their sibling rivalry in full swing, the brothers started piling pound after pound of warm, plush fat onto their bodies, the wolf managing to catch up to the culpeo but finding it more and more difficult to match him as their competition progressed.

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