The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 27

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#241 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 27

"Cheers to my bro for saving my hide!" Sparx exclaimed, raising his glowing hand into the night sky, the hue of his light filling ideally the pallet of colors sparkling from the nearby campfire

There was a hollowed out rock in his small hand, water glistened within.

"Of course he did it in his own style, boring, mind numbing, emotionless, lazy, uninteresting, forgettable, sickeningly serious-"

"We get it Sparx" Spyro ended the tirade with a sigh

Sparx grinned, giving the stretched out elbow one final pump "Anyway, cheers! Long live my precious hide!" he took a solid chug of the water, greeting the group with a formidable burp a second later

"Damn, you're disgusting" Cynder snorted

"But he is kinda right" Cellsa squeaked cheerfully, tossing her body into a roll until her back pressed against the earth, she had all of her four paws risen in the air, between the front two she was juggling an empty flask, its addictive, dark contents already swallowed by the dragoness

"It was the Mooooonborne" she cackled into the night sky "The big baddies, rabid animals that skin dragons alive! It is exactly like I keep telling you people, all the time but you never listen! Bad. Stuff. You. Tell. Kids. Ain't. Real" she intoned each word loudly, her toes crunching each time her throat put emphasis on her tone

"All those guns, grotesque pets, teeth, claws and magical flames and for what? To Talk!" she laughed, kicking the flask into the air before snatching it as it went down, the grip on the bottle made her laugh again, all of her paws moving, running across an invisible track

"This is why I always said that the REAL motherfuckers are the ones that don't have an entire race speaking about them right? I mean, if you are a true badass, I mean it, like the real deal, that folks don't yap about all the time. Why you ask? I tell you why!"

She clapped her paws, tongues of electricity cracked all around.

"Because everyone you ever met is dead, you, as a true badass ripped out their blood and drank their heads!"

"The other way around lass" Sparx noted


"You first rip their heads off and then drink their blood"

Cellsa only thought for a second about the hint, she immediately arched her back to get a good, basically upside down look at the dragonfly.

"That's sounds good! Thanks for the tip!"

Sparx pointed at the dragoness, letting out a characteristic click of the tongue.

."Anytime girl"

"So as I was saying, it turned out that the Moonborne aren't that bad, not like the stories we know paint them to be, we got out and nothing happened to us right Featherbrains?" she giggled, aiming the eyes of her arched frame at the blue dragoness

Blue dragoness that was lying on a leafy mattress, her figure curled into a roll, with the tail wrapped around protectively. Iris' body was still carrying the marks of the beating she received, while some of the cuts were already healing there were still many others that required time.

Despite the girl's typical curses after the Moonborne cut them loose Spyro ordered the group to stop after beating some distance. Of course Iris had none of it and wanted to continue, but unfortunately for her you cannot negotiate with your body much. Her legs gave under her weight eventually, she didn't speak nor moved since then.

"Give the chick a breather will ya?" Sparx grumbled "I still hear her bones cracking when one of those big things gave her a kick, ugh" he shivered all over

"Not my fault that mistress cloaca is so dull that she doesn't know when to quit"

"Even if that might be true, she needs her rest now so leave her alone alright? I had enough of fighting for now"

"Iris doesn't sleep much, so could you listen to Sparx, please?" Cynder added her own plea to the mix

The electric dragoness grumbled, rolling onto her belly and giving the group of time travelers a disappointed, full of boredom glare, paw supporting her chin that seemed to want to fall flat on the ground.

"You guys are sooooo boring" she yawned "It perfectly fits the theme of the Moonborne being simplistic though. Can you believe it that we only heard about those guys before, me and my bro never had to deal with them personally, it was kinda exciting" her tail started to swing happily "Nobody ever wanted to eat me, alive I mean and when they gagged me I really felt like a pig. That was something new, good shit, really makes you FEEL it you know what I mean?"

Her eyes sparkled.

"I tell you then!" she exclaimed, answering a question she only seemed to hear

"You don't-"

"The precious medicine I take" she started off with a giggle, cutting Sparx' protest, the dragonfly dropped his arms in defeat, knowing exactly what is to come "Medicine" she chuckled once more "Anyway, it really makes you experience stuff, everything becomes so vivid, so interesting, so colorful! It triggers something in me you know? When I take the wonderful sip I can feel my own electrical energy running through my veins, bouncing a rhythm that just gets me going! I love fighting when it happens, I love fucking when it happens and now I even love being someone's ongoing desert when it happens! But the damn dogs are so DULL!, they gagged me and nothing! It's not nice to give girl hope like that and just throw it away"

"They gagged you Cellsa because you wouldn't stop talking nonsense" Cynder commented bluntly "Nobody knew what were you blabbering about, not even you, just like now"

"Hey there Siren!" the dragoness pouted her lips, offended "Of course I know what I'm talking about! I'm an electric dragoness, thinking ahead is in my nature, you guys just can't keep up and that's not my fault, no, no"

"Then tell us the point of your speech. You have ten seconds"

"I-" Cellsa's voice trailed off abruptly, a flicker of electricity hissed like venom from a snake's mouth when she flicked her tongue back inside her maw

She tried to sort through the words and ideas she spoken about just a few seconds ago but the all of those sentences rattled inside her head like gold coins in a constantly shaken chest. She couldn't hold on even to one, just when she thought she had it, memories grazing her senses, it suddenly slipped away, all that was left of it was a dark, familiar liquid.

Somewhere in the distance she heard the inviting clicking of flasks.

She shook her head, mane flapping from side to side, the odd, choking silence that surrounded her was an ominous sign that the given time has passed. Neither of her current companions seemed to be surprised by her lack of answer.

She was the only one that actually was.

The staring eyes of the group felt like drills wanting to take a nib of her brain. In defense her skull kept shrinking, becoming tighter and tighter, the world started to hum, the rattling words and sentences no longer having space to flop about. Crushed together into a pulp they demanded to find release, they were digging their way in hordes into her ear holes and nostrils, wanting to flow with the building up blood there.

A cacophony of her own voice raised somewhere around her, her mind sizzling under the assault of the rabid memories of incomprehensible monologues throughout the past few days. She groaned, forehead crunching hardly, feeling as if her head was about to explode.


Orbis, even Orbis saw her at loss. His attention the final needle, final poke that made her mind boil.

She couldn't take it any longer.

"How did you convince the guy to let us go?!" she yelled, relieving herself of all the crushing tension

The unexpected roar stirred the campfire, its fires dancing wildly, sending warnings that they were irritated too much.

The group around the fire jerked their heads back in shock, all of them startled by the roar Iris' eye snapped open, her nose crunching in anger, she did not get up though, knowing well that her legs will protest and instead opted to shut her eye again.

She hated silence, but noise of stupidity was just as irritating.

The tone of Cellsa's shout eventually reached her own senses, she immediately slammed both of her paws against her mouth, eyes widening, matching the size of her companion's stares.

"If someone had doubts before now it's official. You're crazy enough" Sparx spread his arms wide, his body bursting with intense light "Welcome to the family!"

"Sparx" Spyro hissed condescendingly

"What do you want?" Cellsa blurted out, agitated "I answered her stupid question didn't I?"

"Yes, yes, of course" the dragonfly nodded with a grin "I just didn't know that ten seconds lasts almost the whole night in this world"

"I didn't need to convince anyone" Spyro quickly added, blasting a stream of flames at the campfire, reigniting it, the fiery last making everyone shiver, diverting everyone's attention

A small space he intended to fill.

"They didn't want to kill or make supper out of us from the start. Or they did maybe but their leader convinced them otherwise when he saw with who he was dealing with. The Moonborne wanted to talk, nothing special"

"Talk, perhaps" Orbis spoke up, his single eye drilling intently into the purple drake, like a predator following its prey "Not with us however, but you, specifically you"

Spyro rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"You who isn't even an inhabitant of this world"

"People usually let us go, my bro here can really bore someone's mind you know" Sparx jumped in, giving his brother a supportive elbow nudge

"Admirable, sibling support, but you won't fool me, I've dealt with many prisoners in this war torn lands and there are only three ways prisoners are set free. Death by torture, brainwashed spy or by making a deal. You are very much alive, you don't care about this finished timeline to be a spy, so that leaves the last option and this is the one you took didn't you?"

Okay, Spyro had to admit that the green dragon knows his stuff, he didn't want to give away the learned information considering the fact that the Moonborne warned them about the siblings leading them into a death trap.

But since it was the earth dragon who wanted to play it blunt he might as well try it and check what happens.

Spyro gave his brother a small tap, letting him know that he has it from here. Without a word his glowing sibling moved out of the way.

He noticed Orbis' artificial eye flashing with tender green, a flash that radiated touches of appreciation and longing.

"My scale colors made an impression on the Moonborne leader, supposedly there are stories, fairytales or legends about purple dragons in this world. Did you hear anything about it maybe?"

The siblings looked at each other, Cellsa giving a meaningful shrug.

"No idea" the two freshly met dragons replied

"Liars" everyone shivered slightly at the sound of Iris' unexpected growl "My mother taught me the prayers herself. That's been years after the dragon wars ended"

"Your mother then must not know anything now because neither of us is familiar with any legends about purple scaled dragons" Orbis calmly explained

"Yup. No info regarding purple and black scale, glowing flies or ice wind dragons. You're the first such crazy group we've seen or heard of" Cellsa nodded hectically in quick succession

Spyro observed the siblings patiently, judging if they were really oblivious or were pretending to be, he wasn't an expert when it comes to reading body language but seeing as the dragons had no strange flexes or the like, he was quite certain that the siblings ignorance was honest since they didn't show any signs even when confronted by Iris' solid argument.

For confirmation he sought help in two of his beloved companions who were far more perceptive than him.

Cynder and Sparx supported his opinion.

"This is not right Goldie" Iris snarled, her tired body shivering with effort "Either they are deaf and retarded, or they are fucking with you. Both options make them fools so keep an eye on them"

The dragoness rested her head, her eyes tightening once more, a clear sign that she has nothing more to add.

Sparx leveled himself with Cynder's head and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Was that a compliment I heard?" he whispered

The black dragoness gave a curt nod.

It was suspicious and Iris' was right to question the siblings dismissal, throughout the years something had to change about the purple dragons and most likely it also shifted Iris' mother point of view in the end. The girl didn't have the knowledge Spyro did and this little bickering only put more validity in the jackal's words.

The purple dragon huffed, he couldn't decide if it was a breath of relief or anxiety, it boggled his mind how an opinion can change from murderous intent to reverence, whatever the case may, the news, no matter how dire it might seem for some, sparkled a cinder of hope in his heart, it shed some trustworthy light on the siblings.

And he much more preferred meeting new friends than enemies.

"Do you think that we are trying to betray you?" Orbis spoke up, the scars he carried pulsed ominously, there was a hint of pain in the low, seemingly emotionless voice

Cellsa pulled herself up, the arches of electricity flashing between her horns cracked aggressively.

"We ain't dumb you know, you are a purple guy who breathes like hundreds of elements at once, you are escorted by a black chick that can be a stuff of nightmares if she snarled more often. We have no idea what you guys can actually do, whatever we've seen is but a drop I suspect in the river of your skills" orange paws gave the chest a seductive graze "I love myself, and while I love some good rumble I'm not risking my hide, especially if the odds are so against us. Dude! You made the Vaccarus and Moonborne scatter to the winds, in a very boring and shitty way but still! You made entire tribes sprinting, what can just two dragons like us possibly do to you?"

"Besides we owe you, you got my stuff back and that counts for something. Shit, I can repay you right here and now if you are willing" Cellsa dropped the front of her body, spreading her hind legs wide to the side she arched her back and kicked her butt up high, her natural flexibility making the move and the final pose unnaturally charming, only intensified by the sight of her invitingly swishing tail that put her hips in rhythmic motion

"Since you're tense why don't you shit on your boring principles and come over here. I've already taken my shot, I promise you a wild ride, I can guarantee I'll pay all our debts" she licked her lips hungrily "And then some"

Cynder snorted, despite the ridiculousness of the proposition a stab od jealously and anger hit her heart. It was stupid, but she couldn't help it, she was possessive of Spyro and chicks trying to get to him were her trigger.

"Have some dignity girl" her full of disgust hiss vibrated in the air

"Eyes this way bro!" Sparx pressed against the purple cheeks, turning the head away from the leering dragoness

"I've already told you Cellsa that I'm not interested" Spyro stepped closer to the campfire, the confident stride and dancing flames made him look bigger than he actually was

"I'm interested in fairness and cooperation, this world is problematic and just like ourselves you need allies. So answer me this one question "Will your people try to kill me when we get to your home?"

"Of course not" Orbis responded immediately as if he never heard the question, treating it as meaningless due to its impossibility

Cellsa laughed.

"From where do you get such ideas from? Dude, I'm pretty sure that nobody ever thought about a purple dragon back in Athron's playground, let alone saw one" she tapped her temple "You can't kill something that doesn't exist"

"These insinuations are offensive" Orbis put more strength into his voice, the muscles on his body seemed to bulge as if each would take a deep breath "You have clearly spoken with the jackal about us, after fighting by your side we at least deserve to know what the accusations are"

"That's rich coming from someone who pulled us into a drug fight" Cynder noted mischievously

Spyro narrowed his eyes on the green drake.

"The jackal told me that I will get killed if I set a paw in your city"

Cellsa slapped a paw against her forehead, loudly.

"How can you give credit to words of a creature that is forbidden from entering draconic territory? A creature that has never been to civilized society?"

"Because he reminds me of someone I met once, he too was a keeper of knowledge and knew far more than age would allow him. I don't know how it is possible, but I felt that much lifetime experience was speaking to me, maybe even outreaching the lifespan of a dragon and it was that creature that gave me this warning"

"That's nonsense"

Spyro cocked his head.

"Yes? Then tell me Orbis, why do you fight your kin?"

The green dragon opened his mouth, tongue rolling out, ready to provide an answer, already slightly flapping in fact. The sound that followed however did not resemble coherent words at all, being merely a weak hiss.

Wind dragons want to kill us.

This was the sentence that was repeated throughout his younger years, looking back it was said just as many times as his own name. His militaristic family closely followed the habits of the population,, his father always using the argument about to push him harder on the training over.

With enough time under this regime he was convinced that he didn't need to actually see a real wind dragon to start hating one. Luckily for the two of them they got out when they did and had enough clarity of mind to not turn their lives around this feud.

However that still didn't answer the question why dragon is against dragon, he suspected that Spyro was the first one that brought it up in many years, everyone here accepted the war as if it was as normal as wind.

His mind traveled back to the training grounds where as a hatchling he slashed at dummies, each of them draconic in shape and covered with feathers. Between the images he heard his own, high voice as he announced his triumph over the wind drakes.

It has always been like that.

Orbis' tail made an irritated flick, his tail blade getting stuck in the earth when it chopped an none existing lump of wood.

What can of argument is that anyway? They fight all these years because of...habit?

Was this why he got more and more sick of this struggle as he got older?

If only the feud between the dragons would be the event where you spill blood worthlessly he might probably live on without noticing it. But this warlike posture spread to the whole world and every creature living in it, fighting here became as mundane as breathing.

And this is the true issue here, he couldn't answer the question, not because he didn't know why, he might have come up with something eventually. But when your aggressive habit spread to the entire world then there is no answer that would justify and properly explain the approach.

They were creatures of habit.

And it made him sick.

The green dragon didn't say a word, he silently aimed his single healthy eye at the purple drake, the hint of confusion flashing within it however was all the evidence Spyro needed to read the answer that was rattling inside the dragon's skull.

I have no idea.

"Exactly" Spyro smiled caringly "This is what the jackal told me, I don't know how he knows that precisely but it seems to be correct doesn't it? You fought for so long that you don't know what it started in the first place so there is no reason not to believe the canine when he said that entering your city would most likely kill me. This is great news"

Cynder snorted in amusement.

"You had enough of us already that you want to jump into a grave so eagerly?"

"No, no!" he blushed, realizing his unlucky combination of words "What I meant is that the chances of our two new companions being genuine in their actions have just increased. I'm glad for that"

"See Orbis?" Cellsa ran her paws over her horns, the spark cracking in between them jumped down and danced through the girl's toes "And you said I can make enemies only! People fall for my charms! But to keep stuff from being all nice and dandy we could use a little more excitement here boys! Some mischief! Spyro dude you gotta spice things up! All this talk is boring and not impressive! Show some legendary moves here!"

Cynder drummed her claws against the earth, two small tongues of green flames wafted from her nose as she exhaled a deep breath. She knew that the dragoness didn't mean anything by it, she simply had a different view on life considering her situation and the peaceful solutions Spyro is opting for seem unexciting to her. All was pretty normal.

And yet she still felt pissed off, she experienced the excitement Cellsa speaks about first paw, hell, she was the one responsible for all that ruckus in the past. Bloodbath and destruction was something she wants to leave behind, it leads nowhere good and reminds her of a time where she did horrible things and that leads to dangerous thoughts of being unworthy of all the grace and happiness she was offered by her mate, his brother and her foster mother.

Not to mention that ideas like that poked Spyro's mind unnecessarily, while she did not believe that he would turn into a feral, killing machine just for the sake of it, his conscience wouldn't allow it, the threat and provocation that could possibly make him consider his approach to things was as dangerous to her as any bad deed.

He has a heart of gold and there was nothing in the world that could stop her from protecting it. Call it being possessive, call it being moronic, but there was simply too much good in that heart to let it waste away. The world and she herself needed it, both wouldn't be able to survive without its touch.

"Peace is exciting, there is nothing better than solving a conflict with words. Spyro has a talent for that and he won't waste it so you better get used to it or you'll never stop whining. It's thanks to that that we avoid wars and people in our world see it the same way we do"

"But that's boring!" Cellsa pulled on her hair in depression "Nobody likes it for sure, they just don't tell you cause you're black and purple and stuff, not normal!"

"Ha!" Sparx clapped his hands cheerfully "I've always told you're weirdos! Just check it out who's pointing it out! It has to be legit, right?!"

"Mock all you want flyboy but those are facts" Cellsa stomped her paw confidently, puffing out her chest, certain of her words "You can have scales in the color of a rainbow but you will get ignored and forgotten if all you do is yap your mouth at people that want to skin you. You gotta make a point!" energy burst from the paws, kicking out dust in the air when the electrical current spread in zigzags through the earth, leaving scorched dashes behind "Leave a mark so people know who they must avoid pissing off! Nobody will even notice when you solve conflicts in the boring way, and dudes, you're about to hang out with us, and we work best with FREAKS!"

"You don't say?" Sparx folded his arms with a grin "Nobody will find lack of bloodshed interesting and worth remembering?"

"Hell yeah!" the electrical dragoness nodded eagerly

The dragonfly nodded towards the green dragon.

"Then you might want to wipe off the drool from your brother's mouth"

Every eye turned towards the earth dragon, there was no drool hanging from the dragon's lips as Sparx said, but that didn't change the fact that the drake seemed to be quite disconnected from reality. His brown eye drilled into Spyro, wide and full of childish fascination.

Orbis stared at the purple drake with palpable awe, if not for his natural physical prowess his mouth would not be able to hold the jaw in place, jaw that so desperately wanted to drop. He was like a hatchling who had a favorite hero from the stories he read, during each play pretended to be that hero until one day being visited by his role model in flesh and bone.

Not even the sight of a loved one could match the look of a fulfilled dream.

Spyro scratched his chest, his heart squeezed under the pressure of attention and pride caused by the green dragon's hopeful look. It made him feel small and unsure, while the devotion in that look was soul stirring, the price that he had to pay for it was simply too high for him right now.

And it was only one dragon.

If there is any truth to the prophecy, then there is still an entire world in line.


"Hey Orbis! Snap out of it you dork! Stop embarrassing me!" Cellsa roared angrily

The earth dragon gasped, strands on his bountiful mohawk hair stood on end far stronger than they already did, stretching out his scalp. The artificial eye together with the scars flashed with an intense, shocked light, the tail, usually calm and indifferent, made a hectic bounce, it seemed as if it that the weight of his muscles alone that prevented him from jumping in fright.

For the first time since the group met the dragon they could spot a small, subtle discoloration feeling his green scales, a shy blush managed to creep onto the drake's cheeks.

Cynder giggled at the reaction, her own flush colored her cheeks, the dragon's reaction reminded her of her own infatuation towards Spyro back in the days when she groveled for his attention. Good times.

"Dude the fuck?!" Cellsa blurted out in visible abhorrence "You got hots for this guy or something?" her expression suddenly changed tone, shifting from disgruntled garbage cleaner to a curious adventurer "Is this is why you never let girls come close to you? That's sick!" she laughed "But dude if you really must drool over another guy's dick just make an effort to not betray everything at first glance will ya? Not even I'm so easy!"

As quickly as the blush appeared on the green scales as quickly it was gone, a wicked, dangerous snarl ripped waves through the dragon's snout, whatever tremor of embarrassment shook the muscular body was gone when the drake pressed his paws confidently against the soil.

"It has nothing to do with infatuation" Orbis growled aggressively, the low tone of his vibrating voice send small tremors across the earth

"You can tell me everything! No need to hide! I'm your lovely sister!"

Green eye shot the electrical dragoness a brief glance, while Orbis undoubtedly cared a lot for his sibling the brief look he threw her right now was completely on the opposite spectrum of love. If stares would kill, this glance would rip the girl into shreds.

She was his sister, but right now she was far from being lovely.

Orbis blinked and just like that the murderous intent was gone, when he turned back at the group he returned again to his stoic demeanor.

It didn't escape the group's attention that there was something more bottled up in the dragon's heart than normal sibling rivalry.

"Get some rest, all of you, I'll keep watch. Difficult morning awaits us" and just like that the dragon got up, making his way to the edge of the campfire

"Guess you crossed a line there Sparky" Sparx noted bluntly

Cellsa waved her paw dismissively "Pah, he's stiff and grumpy like always, don't bother"

"Well it is kinda important, you guys were supposed to tell us the plan how do you want to smuggle us into the city"

The electric dragoness laughed.

"A plan? With us? That's cute. Planning is boring my guys and gals, we here do everything by the nose" she tapped her nostrils meaningfully "Makes things interesting"

Cynder scratched her choker thoughtfully.

"I'm surprised you're still alive in this world with an approach like that. Your brother must have a lot of patience"

Cellsa grinned.

"I know"

The black dragoness couldn't find a good answer for that statement, all she knew was that she didn't like it, she herself didn't have any siblings but she spent enough time around Sparx and Spyro to know how it works. While they made fun of each other sometimes, provoking and the like it was always kept in a zone that would never put any of them in real danger, something that the electric dragoness seemed to ignore completely, using her brother as a sweeper for the mess she makes.

How they can possibly trust someone like that?

Even Iris was more reliable than her.

Did they have any other choice however?

"Why the sour faces people? Cheer up!" Cellsa flicked her tail, cracking a vivid whip of current across the air "It's about time you guys learned what it means to live! We fight now, we will fight later, we are dragons people! Fighting is in our blood so stop fretting and grab whatever joy you find and squeeze it dry. You will sleep better, remember boys and girls that improvisation is the deal! If you keep thinking all the time about what's going to happen or how it should happen you never win cause there will be always something that didn't go just right. But when there is no plan?" she made a drilling motion with her claw near her temple "There are never bad things happening, improvisation is riddled with small victories! Embrace them!" she threw her paws in the air, shooting out a column of lightning in the sky

Sparx shook his head in disbelief.

"That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard"

It sounded insane, yet Spyro couldn't take his eyes off the girl and her addicting excitement. Her approach didn't make sense from a tactical point of view, yet he couldn't deny that there was something alluring in her look at life. It was an approach that somehow touched him personally, after all his entire existence is based on a plan set on motion by whatever being that decided to make dragons of his scale colors saviors of the world.

Whatever that meant.

And even when he managed to put the world together there was always something that didn't work out perfectly, saving meant saving after all, there shouldn't be loss intertwined in the process, loss that still weights on his heart and makes him afraid of putting the life of his loved ones at stake.

To live without a worry, without a plan and cherishing the moments that you experience, it might seem reckless considering the stature of his position in the eyes of the people, but he couldn't deny that it sounded extremely enticing.

Especially when it worked for him previously, he saved Cynder even though the Chronicler said it was impossible.

He did it by himself and without a plan.

"You understand" Cellsa purred longingly

Spyro noticed her fervent look, bordering on adoration.

"You'd rather create than follow" this time it was the girl's eyes that sparked with the reverence that they saw in Orbis' orbs earlier

With the speed of light the dragoness leapt over the campfire, bumping her body against the purple one to kill her momentum. She leaned in immediately, sniffing and nibbling gently the purple scale.

Spyro jumped back with a shocked yelp.

Cynder stepped between them with a growl, shoving the dragoness away.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Cellsa cocked her head, unmoved by the aggression, her attention switching between Spyro and Cynder.

"Might it be that you're not bores after all?" she whispered, licking the unfamiliar taste off of her lips "You shape, you're Shapers"


The name caused the group to jerk their heads back, they have heard the world already, Cloudas was the one that introduced it to them. It all might have been just an coincidence, yet somehow neither of them believed it to be so.

"I wanted to ditch you honestly, my bro is enough of a stiff alone, but he doesn't taste as you do. You taste different, you taste of creation and I like creating" arches of electricity cracked between the girl's horns

"I very much like creating and with me around" she wiggled her eyebrows "We will going to make a lot of things happen"

She clapped her paws, electricity flashed all around in a spectacle of sparks and cracks.

"It's going to be awesome"