Update For T.N.O.L./Thanksgiving 2012

. =( (that's why some chapters may appear as missing in both this series and my road of life series). also, i just want to take a second to give some thanks and such.

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My Hope, My Love.

Let's walk down the lonely road of life together, holding hands. no matter the hatred we witness, no matter how much the world can't understand our love, no matter how people look at us.. i won't let go...

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My Hope, My Love.

Let's walk down the lonely road of life together, holding hands. no matter the hatred we witness, no matter how much the world can't understand our love, no matter how people look at us.. i won't let go...

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The Nature of Life - Prologue

Just a little note to you all, this series has nothing to do with my previous series "the road of life." this particular story is set in a post-apocalyptic world (as will be explained.) i hope you all like my new series!

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Heart's Longing Message - Short Story

A little more information about this work, it's not dealing with the characters from my series the road of life, the main character is me as my fursona.

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Academy Days

That determination was just paving the road for a mental breakdown, probably, but he was seventeen, just getting started on the road of life. he could afford to borrow from his future, if only a little bit.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 10 (The End)

Two lives, bound together by more than just their birth, taking their first steps on this grand road of life, together. "in the old wolven tongue, the word for 'tomorrow' is..." ander smiled, and in a voice choked with tears, he said: "kadai."

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 10 (THE END)

Two lives, bound together by more than just their birth, taking their first steps on this grand road of life, together. "in the old wolven tongue, the word for 'tomorrow' is..." ander smiled, and in a voice choked with tears, he said: "kadai."

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In-Between Ch. 2

The more i saw the few sides he rarely showed of him, the more i was drawn to him...before i knew it, i was caught on a road of life ruled by "pure chance" that could either lead to catching up with him for once or with me being left far behind as he moved

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Beer, Wine, and Spirits. Chapter 1: James

I pledge to show you that you are my strength and we can navigate this crazy road of life. i love you, cassandra and i love our son. can we be 'us' again?"

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