As he finished speaking, he felt 120 lbs. of tiger-striped red fox vixen land on his back and his ear lobe being nipped. "ow! you little vixen! that hurt!"
"good. now tell me what daddy said to you."
Amanda Fuchs, Anger, Apology, Arrogance, Computer show, Crawfishing, Diane Xiongmao, Flying Fox, Golden Panda Restaurant, Golden panda, Honey badger, Jinse Xiongmao, Mei Xiongmao, Michael Thomson, Mr. Shikoko, Red Panda, Telephone call, confusion, explanation, sarcasm
Michael turned toward the voice and saw a red fox vixen with black stripes walking quickly toward him. he recognized her immediately. amanda fuchs. she was being followed very closely by an arctic fox in his dark brown summer phase.
Albert Rooikat, Amanda Fuchs, Arctic Fox, Bertha Karhu, Bruno, Doberman Pinscher, Jonathan Poema, Michael Thomson, Michelle Tierboskat, Mrs. Gatopardos, Possession marking, Robert Jordegurn, Ruby Lupre, Snowshoe Hare, Wanda Anaguma, crossdresser, passionate kiss
He said, "i would be honored to have an attractive tiger-striped red fox vixen join me for lunch occasionally, especially since she knows what it's like to eat alone."
bertha started to speak, "but, i just said . . ."
Albert Rooikat, Amanda Fuchs, Bertha Karhu, Coconut pecan cookies, Edward Blaidd, Emma Diao, Financial recompense, George Gidro, Michael Thomson, Michelle Tierboskat, Red-ruffed Lemur, Sexual misconduct, Wanda Anaguma
Vicky was a fox, or more precisely, she was a red fox vixen. while vixens were often subject to the same prejudices that the male foxes suffer, they also have an extra stereotype reserved to the vixens considered particularly attractive, like vicky was.
Antelope, Beagle, Beaver, Bunny, Chief Bogo, Deer, Dog, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Ferret, Fox, Judy Hopps, Magic, News, Nick Wilde, Original Character, Otter, Plot Development, Prejudice, Skunk, Supernatural, Vixen, Zootopia, bigotry, reporter