The caramel stallion said over my shoulder " Twilight did an good job with your wing, but I'm going to have to guess about the bone structure of your Shoulder, as I have never seen a dragon let alone one from an different universe."
he paused an...
MLP, Pony, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, little, sparkle, temeraire
"rainbow dash, fastest pegasus ever, best young flier and two successful sonic rainbooms"
"quite a resume, you're hired" diamond said in a sarcastic tone
"you tounge probably runs faster than you" rainbow replied, offended
diamond's posture locked, her
Applejack, Clean, MLP, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, fan character
She looked over and nodded in
agreement before calling to rainbow dash. "hey dash, you wanna stay
here to?"
rainbow dashes face
lit up. "really!! i mean, if you want me to i guess i can stay."
trying to keep up her tough image.
Fluttershy, My Little Pony, Rainbow Dash, Series, Twilight Sparkle