A Child of the Night

"p-princess luna... s-sorry to meet before the party... but i think twi explained my reasons..." the princess nods, her starry mane moving in the cold winds that rough past them "she said it was urgent. is everything all right?

Tears of an Unquiet Sleeper

princess luna's laugh is entirely like her sibling's and also entirely different. "that is the rumour. but i think i will be able to cope."

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MLP-Sanrose- A New World

princess luna nodded slightly. "here in equestria we do not eat other. we eat the fruits and veggies that are grown by the earth ponies." i nodded in understanding.

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Rise to the Challenge

Princess celestia and princess luna bowed their heads in silence. but after a minute, i could hear princess luna let out a chuckle. "to think... how history does indeed repeat."

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Changeling Heart: Dinner Night

princess luna raised an eyebrow at my choice of words. "all i'm saying, what if they have no information, what will you do with the changeling?"

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Born Of Chaos Ch. 6

With a yawn, he glanced down at the still sleeping form of princess luna, her soft snoring letting him know that she was still deep asleep.

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Changeling Heart: The Storm

"her majesty princess luna wishes to speak with you," the front guard spoke looking at me.

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Zethorak the Demon Queen

---end of documents--- tonight, princess luna and the others drove back zethorak and her forces from the forest edge, so introductions will have to wait.

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Born of Chaos Ch. 2

And right then, princess luna fell head over hoofs in love with discord, simply for the fact that he could do that. he'd do that, for her.

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Marshmallow Fluff

Her marefriend princess luna, however, has had an even longer one dealing with equestrian politics and all that comes with it. but rarity knows exactly how to help luna relax, and she's going to enjoy every minute of it.

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Alter Destiny Chapter 2

Both twilight and star look over to see princess luna and a black unicorn looking a bit winded. "princess luna! you got here fast thank you." twilight said.


MLP-Sanrose- A New World #8

"princess celestia, princess luna, do you understand my concerns and on why this is secret? and can i trust you two?"

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