A Child of the Night
#1 of Story.
A short story based off some character progression for my ponysona Reii.
***Before you read! This story was written by my friend :iconDrake Shadowmane:, based off of a RP me and :iconPrincess Twilight: Sparkle: had done one night. So in saying that I did not write this! Drake took the RP and nicely turned into a short story. He will also be uploading this story on his profile. So any comments you make on my profile version please let him know as well thank you.***
Princess Luna stands on the overlooking balcony as she oversees the night, though now she expects a visitor
due to a communication from Twilight Sparkle. Though she wondered why her guest choose to meet on such a cold winter's
night. Leaving a newly added music studio in Ponyville the guest leaves. Under her signature shades her golden eyes
burn with determination and worry. Her wingbeats the only sound that break the cold night's air as she climbs higher
and higher into the chilled and darkened sky.
She was clad in her signature sneakers, vest, and shades. Totally under-dressed to be flying in such chilled
temperatures, but the flames of determination masks the feeling of the cold on her skin as she speeds toward the
capital of the land she now calls home, Equestrea. Canterlot, the capital, was inching closer as she beats her wings
with all her strength. The matters on her mind of great pain and importance to the pegasus mare drive her ever onwards
to Canterlot, and the Princess of the Night.
Luna turns to look at the pegasus as she lands "We greet you warmly on this cold night."
Standing on the railing of the balcony the pegasus shivers lightly, the cold finally starting to have it's
effect. "P-princess Luna... S-sorry to meet before the party... But I think Twi explained my reasons..."
The princess nods, her starry mane moving in the cold winds that rough past them "She said it was urgent. Is
everything all right? We know the struggle Twilight Sparkle faces."
Reii, a pegasus of largely unknown origin steps down onto the balcony proper, folding her wings, "Urgent on my
own accord... But the Darkness in her, do not worry... I have been helping her control it to a point... But... I need
to ask you something just between you and I... For no other ponies ears to hear... I shall not count Twi on this due
to if not her I could not speak to you about this..."
The celestial mare raises a brow "Continue then Reii, we shall listen."
Reii looks away, collecting her thoughts, then returns her gaze to the mare before her, "I wish to speak...
About your Children Princess Luna..."
The princess looks at the pegasus and eyes narrow, her voice takes a warning tone. "What of them? We warn you
to pick your next words carefully."
Reii took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. The tone of the other mare's voice concerning. "I would
like... To be one... I never knew my parents... I was always alone all my life until just recently... I just want to
finally for once in my life be able to know I have a mother... Who cares for me..."
Her eyes nor her tone changes, "Then who told you of the ones under our protection?"
"I learned of them from Twi... She learned from a one of your children... Ever since Twi told me of that
story... I could not get it off my mind... Because I know of the pain of having no one... Being alone with not one to
care about me... I understand at least somewhat of what you felt... Not on such a scale... But similar..."
Her gaze relaxes but her voice stays firm "Twilight Sparkle told you? Then sing us the song of the children."
Reii closed her eyes and sang softly. "Come little children. I'll take thee away. Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children. The time's come to play. Here in my garden of shadows..."
"Twilight Sparkle must trust you greatly to teach you the song her mother taught her."
Reii blinks in surprise and mild confusion "Her mother taught her that...?"
"Twilight Sparkle's mother was an orphan. So Twilight Sparkle even though she may have been born to and had
her parents, is still under our protection."
Reii nods as a tear sides down her cheek, it froze in the air before it landed on the ground below. "I know I
was not born a pony... But I have lived more of a life as this in a short time then I ever lived as what I once was...
I know I ask what seems like a pointless question or even a joke to some... But to you ... You know of the pain I
felt... I just want for once in my life to have a mother... To be the child of someone... To know I have one looking
over me..."
Luna moves to the pegasus and nuzzles her gently, "Do you think Spike and Twilight Sparkle were really the
ones to turn my eye to you?"
Reii blushed slightly at the nuzzle. Her skin cold as ice from the fly over. "I do not fully know who, what or
how you cast your eyes on me... But whatever did I thank deeply..."
The princess casts a warmth spell on the poor pegasus "I feel the pain and sorrow in all ponies. When
you arrived in our lands I felt you clearly, so full of hurt. I've been watching you from the moment you arrived dear
Reii the Pegasus gasps as she was warmed, the breath finally able to fully fill her lungs once again. More
tears began to fall as she dropped down to her knees and buried her face into Luna's chest as she silently began to
"That's right child let it out. Let the past flow away like the memory of a nightmare. Joy and love are in
your future. Let out the dark and sorrow to make room."
Reii's tears kept coming for some time as she cried, letting all her pain and sorrow out with each tear. After
what would take roughly ten or so minutes of her crying out her pain in the embrace of something she thought she would
never have. A mother after all these years... After the tears slowed she would look up into the larger mares eyes.
"Thank you Mother Luna... I will never forget your loving embrace..."
"Did thee forget where we sent the fee you refused?"
The Pegasus sat back, leaning against the railing. Her gaze up to the large mare and the moon above. "You sent
it to orphans in that big city..." She said with a smile. "I still have the card..."
"Perhaps hinting that we knew more than we let on?"
Reii blinks and tilts her head. "I know you speak in many secrets Mother... But forgive me if I do not
"Why would we pick an orphanage? There are needy in these very streets."
Reii nods. "There are needy everywhere... That is why I plan to use money to help out more and more ponies in
need... To try to help the ones that were like me when I was young..."
"Think though. Would an orphan not most want to see other orphans get aid? We knew who you were the moment you
entered our realm Reii Sharktooth."
Reii whimpers slightly at her old name. "Are... You upset with me for who I once was...? For the dark monster
I use to be... I used dark magic... I hurt others... Could you ever forgive me for that Mother...?"
"How could we not? Do you forgive us for our history? Wear your last name proudly Reii. The past if forgotten
can cast shadow on the future."
"I gave up my last name long ago... I never knew my real last name. I just game myself that name for what I
had... My last name should be picked by my mother. Not myself..." She offers a warm smile up to the mare.
"With your sorrow and love of our moon would the name Moontear be carried proudly by our child?" She nuzzles
the smaller mare happily.
She nods. "I will hold that last name proud. The name My mother gave me..."
"Go then Reii Moontear. Live joyfully and in love with Twilight Sparkle. Let your love shine so bright it
casts out the darkness. Or she will share our fate." She kisses Reii's nose "Mother will be watching."
Reii nods and grins. "I will be her light to fight back the darkness. Thank you Mother, I shall see you at
the party in a week." Her wings unfolds as she jumped off the balcony to begin the long fly back home. Humming the
song she now held dear to her heart the whole way back.