Living as a Skunk: chapter five

However, when my tail got caught in the frialator and the fries were "furry" all day they said they couldn't cover me, i had to find a new job. i eventually got a job at the local store, wale-shop, where i worked in customer service.

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StarFox Meta

-bwip-bwip fox looks down at a screen on his wrist "well mabye now we can buy some new ones, we got a new job. and from the general no less!

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A fur at Freddy's: Sister Location (part 1)

Welcome to your new job... eggs benedict..." "w-what!?" i said, pinning my ears back "thats not my name!" the elevator came to a stop and a little jingle played.

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Considering Retirement

"fang-" "no i mean it...i'll find a new job...maybe help with the war council back home....what do you think?" "well....yes...yes i think that would be great."

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Five nights at Jacks (part 1)

#16 of fnaj mom dropped a news paper in front of me and said "it's about time you get a new job... just look in the job offer section" i sighed and un-folded the paper, i turned to the job offers. janitor at a school, nope.

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Cadi, Chapter 4

"actually, i got a new job today... a badger named briar. also, i have... honestly pretty crazy news... apparently i have... magic." dawn blinked at her in confusion, struggling to process what cadi had just said. "magic?

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Jeremy 010; Time Moves On

A month after ian had started his new job he announced his intent to propose to the female he'd been dating from the academy. she was still in her final year, and would likely have her finals just before next year's celebration day.


The Life of Jack

Snits my mum and dad got a new job there we had to move to the usa. at first i was furious at them for not discussing it with me first, but eventfully i just decided to man up and just accept my fate.

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A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter Two)

Excitement for her new job rolled up around her belly. ~rumble~ that, or hunger. "maybe i should get cooking, then, since you requested it so openly," lucky said. fara looked down at her feet. she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning's razz.

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Mc Cloud's Tina fan story

Like your new job???" said garou, my friend also a gay gray wolf. "i like it, thanks." said me. finally, it's lunch time.

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 5

"um,....congratulations on the new job tyler." i then quickly walked away. my heart felt a little heavy, but i just kept, wei wouldn't want this. he would want me to keep my head up and keep playing.

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Jeremy 021; Landing With Both Feet Running

That was now coming in very handy in his new job. on his second day sahar took him to several satellite companies where small problems had cropped up. he was a little surprised at how easily she handled the situation.
