Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 120
Reading through it from the audience's pov, i kept seeing that bit from monty python and the holy grail in my head, the part where the whole crowd goes, "get on with it!"
Catnundrum. Chapter Three.
"monty python it is." the siamese stammered a bit, tail bolting out like a lightning bolt. "i didn't vote for him." rob replied and there was a moment of silence before they both laughed.
A Settled Heart: Part 3
The walls were bare of photographs to nick's disappointment, but there were posters: everything i know, i learned from video games; everything i know, i learned from monty python; an amazing rendition of a phoenix; a star wars character gallery; and
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty Eight
Or is it a heart-wrenching mystery wrapped in an enigma shrouded in a veil of monty-python-esque comedy, inverted fantasy tropes and a constant barrage of witty banter? nah, it's probably just that first one.