With The Best Friend Part 2

"yup" sydney nodded, "the moment i'm not the only family she has around she'll probably try to send me to a pray the gay away camp or some bull- something like that."

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MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

Chase found himself. All the insecurity, all the self-hatred, of not being good enough, of not being as unique as his friends. Fuck that. He knew who he was, and he was ready to show exactly what that entailed. At the shores of the...

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Not Feeling Like Myself Today

"N-no, p-please don't wake up!" Rhoun uttered to himself. His dream was amazing. He was out in space, fixing a magnificent space station at his leisure, he could even sleep on his job! But as soon as the pipes began to whine with the sound of an...

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Phillip hissed at the morning light. His head felt feverish. Granted, it wasn't an alien feeling what with his messy sleep schedule, but this time he felt he might have pushed his limits. He tried getting up, but a pair of gentle hands...

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When TJ woke up, Sydney wasn't in the bed. Normally, he'd watch as his boyfriend snorred and drooled, either gently waking him up or staying with his love until it was time to leave. When for some reason Sydney woke up first, TJ usually was still...

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"Do you promise not to laugh?" Sydney asked, half in jest and half in legit worry. TJ simply kissed him in the cheek, then looked at him with his beautiful blue eyes. A wordless sign for him to go on. Sydney looked around. No sign of his...

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Rekindling - Part 2

"are you trying to tell us that you're gay?" she asked. "yeah," he as his leg shook under the table and his pink tail whipped side to side. "it's alright," she said.

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Tough and gay." "oh, cool cool" garret nodded, "though i might add that you look like you're wearing eyeliner and nail polish." "aw the guy with the emo hair is lecturing me" stefan said, punching garret in the should playfully.

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Birth part 4: Gift

"Oh my goodness, what happened?" TJ's mom asked, half-concerned and half-amused. As the two stood i the porch, its clear by the ruffled fur and scent that they had a tryst in the car, though at least they were presentable. TJ looked pretty...

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At Leo's House

"mm, this is actually pretty good." "try it with avocado" chase offered. \*\*\* "shit, i think i forgot my deodorant!" sydney said, covering his face with his hat cap. "oh, don't worry about it mi niño!"

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Leo said, "you're hyper-christian but you're in a gay marriage, you didn't judge us for being gay back then but you always were near vomiting when we said bad words, you went to a college where you pretty much had to live like a nun but you live in a secular

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Glimpses of You

Rhawn was a white tiger male, and people would say he had it all, looks, brains, money, fame, and hair. He was a movie star making billions with millions of adoring fans. His movie career had him working in films that all turned into blockbusters. The...

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