The Final Stand part 1

The spirits of the armies were set ablaze as the armies roared thundering the emptiness of space as the fleet took off with the people of the galaxy waving goodbye to their loved ones and among them were fara, ammy and krystal who looked onto their mates as

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I'll Be Home Soon

The uniformed group broke up again with each passing to murmur condolences as they filed into a caravan to be taken back to their loved ones.

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Love Lives On

It doesn't take much to show your loved ones just how much you care for them. a simple "i love you" with a hug is more than enough. merry christmas and happy holidays to you all!

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 52

Anger for the loved ones lost and the overwhelming desire for vengeance, to strike out at those who had torn their families apart. and underneath that anger, so desperately, but poorly hidden away... unbearable sadness and grief.

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Her Sorrow

A short story i did about the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one. not to be taken seriously about the death of one of my characters. i just figured they would best suit what i was writing about.

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Dearest Sorrow

This was because those who have lost their loved ones sought to jump to rejoin their loved ones. he stepped closer to the edge as lightning begins to strike in the air. he knew this was it; he knew what had to be done.

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The Stray Cat, Ch. 11

What if being 'active' puts your loved ones in more danger?" "that's always a risk you're going to have to take," favian said with a shrug.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 143

Hundreds of them, so desperate for revenge, something to take the pain away, something to distract them from the dying faces of their loved ones, flashing through their minds every time they closed their eyes.

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Task Force - Prologue

Taking lives from families, friends, and loved ones is always hard and never right especially at their age. did i have to do it, no. did it need to be done, yes.

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Golgo 13 and reincarnation

Now, having no loved ones, and having seen too many bruce willis films, i knew it was time i got to the bottom (metaphorically) of this mystery.

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Operation Hero Chapter 1

#1 of operation hero this story is dedicated to the familes and thier loved ones those who lost thier lives on the attack of the world trade center, the pentigon and the innocent lives on flight 93 on spetember 11, 2001.

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The Hunter (The Sheriff's Dog)

So it was 'a loved one for a loved one' instead. all in all she might have lost control over the whole curse. anyway, to see how it tortured him made her day! seymour was furious.

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