But now, it seemed even more than that, now she almost seemed to be in love with herself the same way he was now, girly weirdness and all.
Boyey weirdness, Cute, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Girly awkwardness, Girly weirdness, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Laughter, Love, Married Stuff, Memories, Omelets, PG-13, Pure, Romance, Self-worth, Wings of fire, awkward, coming of age, confrontation, crush, finding, heist, implied, imprisonment, marriage, nuzzling, rescue, room, sweet, sympathy
Summit was a boy, but now he knew more truths about her girly weirdness than any other girl ever would.
Boyey weirdness, Cuddling, Cute, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Girly awkwardness, Girly weirdness, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Laughter, Love, Married Stuff, Memories, Omelets, PG-13, Pure, Reunion, Romance, Self-worth, Wings of fire, awkward, ballbusting, coming of age, confrontation, crush, finding, implied, imprisonment, marriage, nuzzling, rescue, room, sweet, sympathy
"she was so convinced that being a girl made her weird and unnatural or something," he felt his blush rising, feeling guilty that he still found all that girly weirdness stuff kind of cute.
Breakfast, Cannibalism, Depression, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Flying, Girly awkwardness, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Love, Memories, Morbid, Omelets, Parents, Questioning, Regret, Returning, Romance, Self-worth, Seperation, Village, Wings of fire, abandonment, breakup, carving, coming of age, crush, sadness
Embryo had shared all her girly weirdness with him, and she couldn't imagine what weird thoughts that had made him feel about her, and it was embarrassing...
Angst, Cannibalism, Depression, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Flying, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Love, Memories, Morbid, Omelets, Parents, Questioning, Regret, Returning, Romance, Self-worth, Wings of fire, abandonment, breakup, carving, coming of age, crush, sadness
She looked at him, then burst out crying again, here she was, being made to be so vulnerable and embarrassing because of her girly weirdness, and here was summit, so willing to put up with this.
Depression, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Girly awkwardness, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Imprisionment, Love, Memories, Omelets, Pure, Questioning, Regret, Returning, Reunion, Romance, Self-worth, Seperation, Wings of fire, abandonment, carving, coming of age, cozy, crush, finding, room, sadness, sympathy, tears
A boy who now knew all there was to know about girly weirdness because he'd simply been friends with her during that moment in her life.
Breakfast, Cannibalism, Depression, Disillusionment, Dragon, Egg Laying, Eggs, Evil Plan, Flying, Girly awkwardness, Hurt/Comfort, Hypersensitivity, Imprisionment, Love, Memories, Morbid, Omelets, Parents, Queen, Questioning, Regret, Returning, Romance, Self-worth, Seperation, Village, Wings of fire, abandonment, breakup, carving, coming of age, cozy, crush, kitchen, mental, room, sadness, scheme, tears