One shoe In the door
Did i bite the big one, or just a big mac, meet my maker or just having a flash-back check my chest i don't know if i'm breathing check my pulse tell me if my heart is beating am i dead or alive...
TIme of War Chpt 3
#3 of time of war well well look at that chapter three is out ^dramatic music^ i know, i know i'm shocked too :p #### scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~///~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| ##
tragedys beggining
The memories of my ex came flashing back on the slow rise; however it wasn't of the bad times. i had quick glimpses of the sex we had. the one that stuck the most was the day we tied. i had it stick in my head for the rest of the way.
HIM and I
I was having these weird flash-backs of my childhood. it was odd though, when i'd ask my parents about it... they said they had no clue about what i was talking about. it happened so often that they started taking me to a therapist.
Time of War Chpt 6
. #### scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| "come on haseem, your only hurting your self and everyone of your fellow terrorists when you keep secrets from us.
Death Kiss 9
I start to have flash backs of when we were in the pool his hands sliding all over my naked body. i sigh and i whisper to the darkness "i should head home."
a painful memory...(my first big story idea)
back intro and i intentionally wrote it with little detail about key parts in an attempt to catch the readers attention and kind of hint at future events.
The Promotion
Shining slapped a hoof to flash's back, a bit harder than expected, causing flash to throw his hooves to the bar to successfully avoid falling off the stool. "so, your name is flash, huh? must be new to the guards.
dark gaurdien chapter 4.txt
Then he had a flash back take him to room 565 on the 5th floor theres someone i have to take care of he heard sparks voice in slow mo.
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 5
Mello was having memory flash backs and was quick agitated. sero could see that but sora couldn't. he kept advancing to mello. "sora, don't!" yelled sero as he ran to sora. sora turned to sero but at the same time mello pointed his gun looked insane.
** **"forget it tsume , he was being rude is all" he said as i still wanted to know but he kept telling me to forget it ** **flash back over )** **"you still never told me what he mean by that "** **"i said forget it !
On The Road We Walk On
(a flash back of andrea walking on the streets of his hometown) the date was 2023 in the town of tomsk, lower russia; andrea was walking the streets of this busy town.