Hoist The Colors

She was the woman you'd go to a tavern for but never found, the kind of woman men waste many long years for but cannot seem to find. and she was giving him the look you'd hope to find in a monsoon-bait tavern .

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The Coffin: Part 5

A chorus whispered his name through a black mist: female, male, soft, loud, high, and low. "marcus... marcus... are you there marcus?" faces swam before him: the white mouse, the austere pinscher, the keen feline.

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Chronicles of B-man-Jack Oggstrose Arc Part 1-4

Apart from demonic females, males, and children of different species, it was almost normal if a mortal could get past that fact.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 13

You aren't aware of some really simple stuff, like girl-guy mumbo jumbo" "and since when you are the expert?" "you were born today or what?" sparx spread his arms proudly "i'm an expert on everything dude.

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