Furr: The Inner Shadow Chapter 1

The furry woman then came out of the shadows with a big rocket launcher of sorts, she was a dire wolf in really high grade armor, her fur grey and her hair purple. "c-captain sinful! please save me from this lunatic!"

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Dire Wolf Hunt Preparation

#1 of dire wolf winter when winter beckons and the dire wolves answer, what problems could arise? the answer is many, when the alpha female promises her position if she doesn't find a mate before the night has passed.

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The new age (introduction)

wolf, lovey a foxcheetah ( a cheetah with a fox's head),and rachel a lion there journey to find civilization these are the anthros the journey has began!

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Friends reunited (Richard and the Fae - Ch10)

Richard grunted his understanding of the issue, but couldn't help a snort of laughter when the dire wolf suddenly flopped over onto its back and angelmaris began vigorously rubbing at its stomach.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 7

dire wolf.' " harvy couldn't help but giggle at the endearing nickname he used only for her. quickly becoming aware of the rather...intimate...moment, she quickly removed herself from gar, her ears flattening.

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World Building: Nations of Sethera

Country animal:crane most used steed: dire wolf dwarven kingdom: races: dwarves (80%), gnomes (15%) . other (5%) colors: grey, black, brown symbol: large hammer, engraved with runes. most worshipped diety: thor- god of dwarves.

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The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration

In america the anthropomorphic american grey wolf and american dire wolf, the anthropomorphic bears, and the anthropomorphic tiger's as well as the anthropomorphic golden labs and the anthropomorphic huskies and malamutes.

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Pillars of Folly 2 - Setting up Shop

They were big brutes made from white jade and darkest onyx and carved into the shape of dire-wolves.

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The Legend of The Mountains of Fire and Ice

The dire wolves of the golden flames and the dragons of the violet ice. the two friends each made their way to the two tallest mountains. one was a mountain only known as the icy mountains before being renamed the violet mountain.

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Tales of Torrnal: Epilogue

I trained with grandma ornmi and ride my fathers dire-wolf, calmon. i trained up north with the feline monks, how to fight and how to keep my mind clear.


The Sorrows of the Church

Sloane looked up to see he was once again cuffed before a high bench where three dire wolf archbishops sat as judges. "sloane mjolnir, you have been brought to this court for heresy and threatening behavior towards clergymen!"

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