Sky Ocean Chapter 17

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#17 of Sky Ocean

Hello loyal readers! I am SO sorry for my absence everyone. Due to a rather SERIOUS family crisis beyond my control I had to put the story on hold, but now I'm back! I will be wrapping this up soon (don't worry not TOO soon) and I PROMISE, NONE of you will be disappointed with how it all comes together. So please enjoy, rate comment etc. I had a lot of fun writing this one and had nearly forgotten how much I love these characters. Stay tuned for Sammy in the next chapter! She's frisky, she's kinky, she's feisty, she's ripped, she's wild, and she has embarrassing secrets about Harvy! In short she really is a RIOT! :P

Chapter 17

This morning found the avian teen known as Gar With in a surprisingly composed state, especially given his considerable mental luggage as of late. With a relaxed sigh he casually leaned against his usual spot on the wall outside Mr. Bright's room. A grin seized his alabastor beak as his eyes slowly lidded in contentment. This was a calm morning, a rare blessing these days and he fully intended to bask in all it's glory... WHAM! ..."Ow..." Glory gone... The disoriented raven's eyes slowly opened, revealing a familiar black she wolf lying on top of him as he groaned in a disheveled mass of clothing and feathers upon the tile floor. He let out a strange fusion of a wince and a smile. "Good morning my 'Dire Wolf'...What may I inquire has you in such painful jubilation on this fine day?" The she wolf blinked and fixed her corvid mate with a shocked, blank stare. "Umm...Gar? Did YOU just use...sarcasm?" The raven thought for a moment before his eyes widened in realization. "...Why yes...yes I suppose I did...funny, that..."

They stared blankly for several seconds before erupting in laughter much to the amusement of several passing totems whom it seemed were beginning to anticipate the duo's entertaining morning antics. Harvy quickly licked Gar's cheek before hopping off and helping him up. She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that Gar...I'm just REALLY excited! I have some great news!" The raven smiled warmly. "Really? And what might that be my love?" The excited wolf broke into a MONUMENTAL smile. "Well you know that next wee-" She froze mid sentence as realization dawned on her and stared at her mate with wide eyes. "D-did you just call me...your love?" Gar quirked a brow in puzzlement. "Umm...are you not?" He said matter of factly. Her cheeks flushed as her ears flattened. Her voice came out in a nervous stutter. "W-well o-of course...I just n-never...heard you s-say that...before...It'" The wolf found it IMPOSSIBLE to look her mate in the eye. He gave her no choice.

With a gentle talon Gar directed her gaze to his own. A teasing smirk lit up his face. "Shall I address you as such forever more?" The blush intensified. The smirking avian took a step closer, his beak so close it brushed her parted and panting muzzle. His voice emerged a crisp, husky whisper, it's tone so seductive it was like silk..."My SUN and my HEART and my DIRE WOLF..." As the wolf deperately fought off hyperventilation the raven drew closer and closer...his ethereal blue pools boring through her amber and piercing her very soul. His beak came to her ear, his avian tongue grazing it softly as he breathed out the last words in a throaty whisper dripping with raw lust and desire. "My...HARVEST..." In an instant the ground was gone. She forgot to breathe...her flesh went cold...and she fell... An instant later familiar blue eyes stared down at her with love and bemusement, strong arms holding her up. "G-GAEA're gonna' give me a heart attack..."

Gar chuckled in amusement. "Consider it...payback, my adorable little pup." Harvy gasped in shock and fixed her mate with an intense glare although the grin on her muzzle ruined her attempt to look 'angry' at the raven. "You...jerk..." He smiled sweetly, leaning in intimately and speaking in a whisper. "I learn from the finest." The wolf playfully punched him in the arm before rolling her eyes in mock annoyance. "As I was saying..." Gar bowed politely. "Yes of course. Please continue milady." The she wolf playfully stuck her tongue out before continuing. "Well, you know what next week is right?" A look of puzzlement briefly crossed the avian's features before he broke into a loving grin. "...Spring break if I am not mistaken?" The wolf nodded fervently, an impish grin on her muzzle. "...Uh huh...and a very dear friend of mine is coming to visit!" Gar took on a curious expression. "Oh? And who might that be?" Her grin widened. "Her name's Sammy! She was always my BEST friend growing up. She's kinda' wild and loves to joke around and play pranks but she's REALLY sweet and lots of fun. Trust me you'll love her! And she's been DYING to meet you."

That made the raven quirk a brow in surprise. "...Oh? You've already mentioned me then?" The she wolf shot him a quick apologetic smile. "Uh yeah...see we always talk and I kinda called her when my heat got REALLY intense and I kinda told her about all my wet dreams about you and how I was scared about what they meant and then she kinda' teased me a bit but then she said she thought I was in love and at first I was kinda' freaked but then I realized it was true and-" She froze in the middle of her rambling and stared in mortification as she realized what she'd just let slip in the middle of all her excitement. Nervously making eye contact with Gar she saw it was HIS turn to hyperventilate... His eyes were WIDE, his breathing was rapid and labored and he looked about ready to faint... The mortified she wolf gulped nervously. "...Umm...Gar?" The raven nodded slowly. "...Did I just...tell you about my...umm...'dreams?'..." Again he nodded slowly. "...And that...I was basically...fantasizing...about you...for kinda' a long time?..." Again another nod. CRAP...

The she wolf hung her head in embarassment and shame. "...Gaea...Why the hell can't I stop doing that?" Still mortified, the raven cleared his throat and pressed forward cautiously. "So then...your friend...'Sammy'...she knows...umm..." The wolf winced and looked away. Her voice emerged as a nervous whisper. "...Everything?...Umm...Kinda...Hehe..." As the raven's eyes widened in horror the she wolf frantically tried to explain. "Sorry Gar! But it's not really anything to worry about. Sammy won't go blabbing about personal stuff like that. You can trust her. Besides she's not exactly a saint when it comes to that kinda' thing... But anyway! She's a REALLY good friend. We share everything so worries?" She finished with a wince and pleading eyes. After a moment Gar let out a sigh, and began to chuckle warmly. "You two certainly seem very close. I'd be delighted to meet her. By the winds of Gaea what an eventful morning this is..." The she wolf began chuckling herself.

It comforted her to know that she could be this open with Gar...on such...INTENSE...levels that their earlier friendship could only hint at. There really were no secrets between them now and the thought put a truthful smile on her face. Without another stray thought she dove into his arms, immediately seeking her favorite pillow...that oh so warm and fluffy plumage beneath his neck, breathing in greedy lungfulls of his intoxicating scent. The raven smiled warmly and tenderly stroked her headfur, nuzzling her head with his feathered cheek as he did so. He spoke gently into her ear, the familiar sensation sending pleasent tingles down the canine's spine and making her fur stand on end. "...So...what did you have planned for your Dear friend's visit?" Warm amber pools flowed into ethereal blue. "You mean what did SHE have planned..." The raven quirked a quizzical brow. "...She?" The she wolf nodded with a slightly mischievous smile. "...Mmhmm...I told her...well...everything...about this place...and us...sorry..."

A reassuring stroke to her softly furred cheek silenced her concerns and illicited a contented mur of pleasure. "...and...I sent her a lot of pictures. She's always been a real outdoorsy type and she LOVES should see her! TOTALLY ripped. Muscles everywhere..." She cleared her throat when she realized she was going off on a tangent, shooting the raven a cute apologetic smile before continuing. "...So anyways...she says she really wants to go on a camping trip out in the dunes since she's never seen the southwest before...and since we already happen to know a handsome young trail guide..." She trailed off, looking up at the raven with adorable 'puppy' eyes and a cute smile. Unable to hold it in, Gar chuckled sweetly before fixing the hopeful she wolf with a loving grin. "That sounds like a wonderful idea 'Dire Wolf.' I'll plan a location and route right away." An uncharacteristic happy squeal pierced his ears, turning many surprised heads in their direction. The raven was unable to worry for long however as a familiar black muzzle crashed into his alabastor beak, the needy tongue within begging for entrance.

Completely forgetting his rule against public displays of affection, the enraptured avian surrendered to the pleasurable sensations. Gaea how he loved this wolf... *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!* Curse that horrid damnable sound... Rudely pulled from their pleasent reverie, the couple reluctantly parted and made their way into the classroom. Harvy leaned in close to her mate with a giddy smile on her muzzle. "Let's go over the details at lunch 'kay Gar?" With a warm smile and a final snuggle he nodded. "Of course my dear. I look forward to it."

The day passed slowly. Harvy let out an exasperated sigh as she stared at the assignment before her in utter frustration. She was getting nowhere. Flinging her pencil down in defeat she glanced over at the clock. Just a few minutes left until lunch. A massive smile lit up her face. Just THINKING about her beloved corvid mate made her giddy. A whole week with just her best friend and best friend turned lover... It was going to be PERFECT. She was pulled from her thoughts a moment later when the lunch bell rang. Staring down at the still unfinished assignment on her desk she let out a defeated sigh before depositing it upon the teacher's desk and hastily gathering her things. She and Gar had a vacation to plan. The thought put an unextinguishable smile on her muzzle as she quickened her pace...

Gar let out a sigh of contentment as he took his usual spot beneath the tree in the school courtyard, lunch tray in his talons. He closed his eyes a moment and breathed deeply, merely enjoying the uncharacteristic serenity of the afternoon. His quiet reverie was interupted a moment later when a startled voice sounded nearby. "Oh! Umm...Gar? I didn't know you'd be out here..." The raven's eyes snapped open at the sound of the familiar shy, feminine voice. Sure enough standing there before him, timidly ruffling her neck feathers was Corrie Trill. "...I umm...didn't mean to disturb you...sorry I'll just go..." Gar held up a talon. A warm smile graced his features. "Please. It's no bother at all I can assure you. Would you care to have a seat Corrie?" The blue jay's cheeks flushed as she looked away nervously. "...B-but what about Harvy?" The raven chuckled warmly. "Please Corrie you are a ONLY friend other than Harvy in fact...although that definition of her is decidedly...lacking...given recent developments..." The jay giggled cutely at the raven's attempt at a joke. "There is nothing wrong with a realxing chat amongst friends." Returning the raven's warm smile, the petite little blue jay delicately took a seat beside him and was soon lost in pleasant conversation...

Harvy skipped out into the school court yard with a giddy smile on her muzzle, lunch tray in paw. It seemed ridiculous and pitiful that she already missed Gar so much despite only being apart for a few hours...but she realized, she just loved him THAT much. The revelation filled her heart with an incredible warmth. As she approached the familiar tree that had become her and Gar's in school sanctuary, she slowed down as she overheard Gar speaking with someone. Upon closer inspection she could see a familiar blue form daintily perched on the ground beside her avian mate. There sat Corrie Trill with a sweet smile on her beak as she listened intently to the bleached raven. "So how are things with Harvy?" The wolf froze in place. Her? They were talking about her? The raven sighed contentedly before answering the curious little blue jay. "...Wonderful...truly...wonderful...I had never dared imagine I would ever have a friend...let alone...a have someone love truthfully...It is a paradise which I have never dreamed...let alone touched. Harvy is poetry...the likes of which no mortal could ever pen...she is a masterpiece...Gaea's prose...and my salvation."

The jay stared with WIDE eyes for several seconds, seemingly enraptured by the intensely passionate words and nearly incapable of speech. "...W-wow...Gar...that's...incredible...Harvy is the single luckiest totem in the world to have're amazing...I just wish I could find someone even HALF as beautiful as you are..." She gasped as she realized what she said, an intense blush seizing her. "Oh Gaea! S-sorry Gar! Didn't mean to get c-carried away..." The raven opened his beak to respond but never got the chance. In an instant a flash of black fur pinned him to the ground. His shriek of surprise was cut off by the black muzzle colliding with his alabastor beak which was instantly parted by a familiar canine tongue. The raven's eyes rolled back in his head as familiar pleasure coursed through his feathered form. After seveal seconds the passionate assault came to an end and Gar looked up at his lover's tear soaked face. "...Dammit Gar...Just when I think it's metaphysically IMPOSSIBLE to love you any more...You go and say something like that...Gaea...I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH!" More tears flowed as the emotional wolf dove into the softly feathered crook of the raven's neck.

With a warm, loving smile Gar gently stroked her head fur, nuzzling her tenderly as he did so. An instant later the she wolf popped up into a sitting position atop her corvid mate and locked eyes with the furiously blushing blue jay sitting only a few feet away. "...And don't you dare apologise for anything Corrie. Like I could really blame you for Gaea's sake!" The jay laughed timidly. "...O-okay...thanks Harvy..." With that the she wolf climbed off her trapped mate who lifted himself into a sitting position while looking about nervously at all of the shocked totems who were now whispering loudly and excitedly. The she wolf cleared her throat. "...Scuse me..." She said sweetly to her two companions before turning to face the small audience. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" The gossiping totems promptly fled in utter terror. The she wolf turned back to the two avians who stared with wide eyes. I believe she is far more like her mother than she would care to realise... Gar thought in slight fear. The she wolf just shot a cute smile and a sweet giggle. "Now then, where were we?"

The jay nervously cleared her throat before slowly rising to her foot talons. "Well uh...I think I should give you two some for the talk Gar...see you guys later..." She was stopped by a black paw clutched around her nimble wrist. Harvy fixed the little blue jay with a teasing smirk. "And where do you think you're going? We're all friends here Corrie, no need to be left out." The jay smiled sweetly before reclaiming her seat. "...Thanks Harvy...Are you sure?" The she wolf nodded fervently. "Of course! Not like Gar and I aren't together every day!" She said cutely while sticking her tongue out, illiciting a giggle from the little avian. "So Corrie, how are you doing? Make any new friends?" The jay looked away in embarassment. "Umm...just you two...hehe..." The she wolf frowned. "Really? But you're so cute and sweet. What the hell is wrong with these people? It's like the desert sun fried their brains!" Gar chuckled warmly. "For some, that may well be the case love." The she wolf gave him a quick nuzzle before turning her attention back to the jay. "So what about spring break? Feeling excited? Got any plans?"

The jay just ruffled her neck feathers and once again looked away in mild embarassment. "Umm...not'm just going to stay home I guess. Like I said, I don't really know anyone but you guys and I wouldn't want to intrude on your alone time or anything so...yeah..." Harvy frowned once more. Gar did as well. The she wolf enclosed the blue jay in a loving hug. "Now that's just not right...You shouldn't have to be all alone!" Then an idea popped into her fuzzy head illiciting a toothy canine grin as she released the delicate avian and turned to her mate. "Hey Gar! You thinking what I hope you're thinking?" The raven chuckled. "Of course my dear. It would be no trouble at all to invite her along. In fact the more totems in our group the safer it will be." Corrie looked back and forth between her two friends nervously. "Umm...what exactly are you guys talking about?" Harvy grinned impishly. "CAMPING TRIP!"