The Grand War: Good Vs Evil: prolog
kat's ship?"
Unpleasant Introduction
* * * dark kat watched from the rooftop as a single one of his minions returned. "what happened?" he demanded angrily. the little monster cowered and let loose a screeching babble.
SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 1-4
One would think dark kat would be a major threat and he certainly could be but it was dr. viper who frightened people the most because of his ability to warp katkind with his experiments.
Second Chances
Right now, though, i feel like dark kat had dragged me by my tail over half the city." "oh uncle, i couldn't believe what i'd heard when dispatch called me to say you'd been stabbed.
He was sitting at his desk after the messy cleanup from the swat kats and his own enforcers after wresting the prize from dark kat. that particular omega always left a trail of destruction behind him that took weeks to clean up.
The Doctors of Doom, Part Seven
The first time, it'd been dark kat. they'd never even gotten the chance to fire their guns before his ship's heat ray melted the guard hut that stood to the left of the entrance coming in.
Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 2
But it sounds like something dark kat would cook up" chance said. "anyway i should get going there are still some reports i need to get done. three kats were attacked last night and i need to write a report.