Magnus -The Raging Bull

I hate to see you chained up like this magnus, would you like me to take those off so we may talk on a level playing field?" "gonny no dae that. i don't want my sis'a be in harm's way.

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The Unamed Heir

Arbitus teleported them back to the castle leaving the captain and the rest of his men to chain up the mercanaries.

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Becoming: Part 3-A long Walk

He was chained up in the bed and his eyes were closed. his skin was pale, his hair was frayed and looked as if it hasn't been washed in weeks. there were multiple signs of deep gashes and cuts spread over his body.

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Merciless ch. 2

Many hours later jack awoke to find himself still chained up but the gag had fallen out of his mouth. he was laying under a large pile of debris that was once the coffee table and the couch.

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Chapter 1: A dark start

Lying in the corner chained up blending into the onyx black floor laying motionless was a small grey furred child.

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Jeremy 017; Karma's Toll

You think living as a rage filled animal chained up in a room for the rest of your life is a better alternative to death?" "no. i'm saying you had, in the heat of battle an impossible choice.


Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Two

He should have known something was wrong the minute he found navras chained up next to him. thinking back, the old inventor hadn't been one of the ones klevon had pushed into adal's office.

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Sevlow's Coup D'etat: Segment of my book "Planes"

Many were chained up, but a few were somewhat free to move around within their cells, and there was no apparent pattern in who was chained up and who wasn't. then, sevlow twisted his hips as far as he could turn them.

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The Slave's Tail Part 1

The slaves sat in cages or were at the wall, chained up, daring not to sit at risk of losing limbs. screams could plainly be heard. pain surged through some slaves upon hearing them, the slavers just sat calm and serene not caring of them.

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Another Night, Another Rift

Far beneath his feet, he shot the novices who had already begun to chain up the giant beast a thumbs-up, before returning to the park proper to help with the clean-up.

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The Chain

Five hundred years had passed and even with all the torture and turmoil of being chained up in the chamber of portals, tag was still as innocent as a child. the magi could not help but shed a tear.

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Dangerous Lunatics spin-off: Turning Point Book 1

Kim with a bit of curiosity in her eyes went to go look at this barry and was greeted with a rather small and skinny looking rabbit boy all chained up like hannibal lecture.
